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B-Rels & Star Crest
Complete Your B-Rels at Skydive Ramblers
After you receive your ‘A’ Certificate, the next step towards becoming an experienced skydiver is to complete your B-Rels (B-Rels = ‘B-Certificate’ Course relative work jumps). B-Rels are designed to teach you how to skydive safely with other skydivers.
The B-Rel program consists of 6 Stages. If your flying skills are already exceptional, you might even be able to do more than one Stage at a time. Once you’ve completed all six stages (and a few additional minor qualifications), you’ll be eligible to receive your ‘B’ Certificate.
B-Rel Training Video
This video was compiled on Saturday, the 12th of May with B-Rel candidates Jett (with the help of his dad David and his mum Vikki), as well as novices Ash, Tyler & Warner. Thanks to the APF for their support and thanks to Steve Fitchett and the camera flyers for their contribution.
Training Support
One of the biggest hurdles to a skydiver in the early months, is the cost!
To support your early progression in skydiving, Ramblers, the Australian Parachute Federation (APF), the South Queensland Parachute Council (SQPC), and the Toogoolawah Skydivers Club (TSC) are helping you save and get back up in the skies! Be sure take advantage of these rebate and training programs:
The SQPC offers a SQPC $100 ‘B Certificate’ Rebate – for which you can apply upon completion of your ‘B-Certificate’. It is available for SQPC members who gain their Certificate B in the previous 12 month.
The Toogoolawah Skydivers Club Inc. offers a TSC Jump Ticket Rebate: B-Rel-Reimbursement. To be eligible for a refund you need to have been a TSC Club member before beginning the B-Rel jump table, and to have done all these jumps at the Toogoolawah Drop Zone.
The APF run B-Rel Buddy and B-Rel Boost Camps, which are training programs designed to help novice skydivers further their training.
Make sure you read the Aussie Bigways Resources: Star Crest & Bigway Guide.
At Ramblers you can book a Ramblers Coach Credit online. It can be used for B-Rels, Canopy Handling Jumps, Freefly Coached jumps and any one-on-ones.
Notice to all new skydiving students and early beginners
The Ramblers Parachute Drop Zone Centre has officially introduced a Load Energiser policy for all new skydiving students and early beginners. Volunteers from the Toogoolawah Skydivers Club are being recruited by Ramblers DZ to act as Load Energisers. LEs as they are called, will be on the lookout to help out new AFF student graduates who arrive at the drop zone and have no one to jump with.
LEs will have their photo on the DZ white board and they will make calls over the PA. So when you arrive at the drop zone let Manifest know you are looking for a LE and also take the initiative and chase up the duty Load Energiser. The LE will either jump with you themselves or organise pairing you up with other skydivers on the drop zone or simply help organise your solo freefall. LEs will if possible organise your jump and video your freefall and landings. Spread the word.
Star Crest
Earning your ‘Star Crest’ allows you to skydive with groups of 10 or more people. Learn more about earning your Star Crest and performing well on larger flatfly formations in the guide below:
- Aussie Bigways Resources: Star Crest & Bigway Guide (2019)
APF Operational Regulation
4.4.2 Australian Star Crest (ASC)
Applicants for an ASC must: (a) Hold or be eligible to hold an APF Certificate ‘B’; and (b) Have entered fifth or later in at least three (3) separate, successful flatfly RW descents involving eight (8) parachutists or more; and (c) Have each formation witnessed by two ASC holders or two APF Formation Skydiving Judges; and (d) Have a Chief Instructor’s verification that the applicant is safe and competent to participate in relative work involving more than ten (10) parachutists
Note: see regulation 11.1.3 regarding RW with more than ten (10) people