Vertical Descent #7

intermediate Static Head Down

Next Date: March 15 - 16, 2025

VERTICAL DESCENT 7 will be happening at Skydive Ramblers on March 15 & 16.

This will be a 2 day intermediate Static Head Down event consisting of 2 groups with coaches Matt Thomas & David Schlatter.

Group sizes will be a 6 way and a 9 way.

Please only apply for the event if you have experience in this discipline with these size groups or have attended a couple of the previous camps.

A Head down crest is mandatory to attend the event, as well as top notch freefly friendly equipment.
Full commitment to 2 days will be required to gain a slot and maximise progression.

*** R E G O C O S T ***
$150 for the 2 day event.
Rego will be non-re-fundable if a participant withdraws from the event and we can’t replace them.

Please get in touch with us via FB Messenger if you are interested in participating.
This event is brought to you by the team at VD Static, Skydive Ramblers, SQPC and TSC.

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Upcoming Dates

  • March 15 - 16, 2025

Hi everyone, if anybody is thinking of skydiving, Skydive Ramblers is the perfect place! They have awesome and experienced instructors. You can complete a number of courses or just came for a tandem jump. The area is amazing!!!!

“the perfect place” – by Jazz C

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