Vertical Descent 5 – Head Up

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

“Vertical Descent 5 was held at Skydive Ramblers on the weekend of 2nd & 3rd November 2024. This was our very first intermediate Static Head Up event consisting of 3 groups.

The weather was not nice to us for the first few hours on day 1 but we got started around lunchtime and did not stop until the end of day 2. Coaches Matt, Jacob and Luke took 11 participants to the sky and Safe, Fun, Progressive jumps were had by all and we saw some epic progression! Most participants completed 9 jumps over the 2 days and went home with lots of knowledge about all aspects of Head Up formation flying.

Special thanks to all of the participants and coaches, Skydive Ramblers and all of the team, SQPC and TSC for their continued support! It would not be possible without you all! ”

Matt Thomas

The DZ is amazing. Awesome plane which brings you to 14000 ft in the blink of an eye. Friendly staff who feel more like family.

“Awesome plane” – by Tito Danieli

Skydive Ramblers Newsletter