Toogs DZ e-News #406 (28 October – 3 November 2019)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Corey Waldron – Completed AFF
Ellen Bingham – 1ST 4-WAY
Ty Fels – First Helicopter Jump
Pete Sampson – Head Up Crest
Robin Spedding – Certificate E
Dominic Gretener – 500 Hrs!

Monday 28th October  – Another great start to the skydiving week. Sergio Villagra joined us in Tandem skydive with Adrian. Brothers Joel and David Pearson stayed for another week and smashed out 5 jumps today including a few B-Rel jumps with Darren.  Oli Morris jumped his new toy today. Peter Sampson received his Headup crest with Darren – Congrats.

Sergio tandem freefall with Adrian
Sergio under canopy – Photos by Adrian

Joel and David B-Rels – Photos by Doyley
OliM – first deployment on new canopy – Photo Adrian
Peter Head Up Crest – Photo Doyley

Tuesday Rob Morley was back after a few months away from jumping. Rob completed a refresher course and was back in the skies in no time – Welcome back. David Pearson completed B-Rel 6 with Ty and Instructor Sara.

David B-Rel 6.2 exit
P07 David brel62 with ty and will tues Sara

Wednesday Wacky Wednesday was here and turned into a great day of skydiving and laughter. Jasmine Zhao returned and completed Stages 7 & 8 of her AFF CourseHelen Mendes powered through her B-Rel jumps with Sara. Seth Gilson also completed his B-Rel 5 with Robin.

Jasmine AFF Stage 7
Helen B-Rel Stage 4 – Photos by Sara
Seth B-Rel Stage 5 – Photo by Robin

Thursday was upon us and everyone was still jumping hard. New student Corey Waldron completed Stage 1 of his AFF Course, he loved it so much that he upgraded to a 15 jump package… go Corey!  Adam Young retuned and completed Stage 4.

Corey TAF Stage 1 exit
Corey TAF 1 with Dom and Marge in the background – Photos by Adrian

Friday 1st of November! Where has the year gone! Anyway, Funtastic Friday was here at last. Blue skies and light winds made for a great skydiving day. Corey Waldron completed Stages 2 & 3, and Daniel Fitzpatrick completed Stages 3 & 4 of his AFF Course – Go boys! It was shaping up for a good weekend, but….

Corey AFF Stage 3 – Photo OliM
Danny AFF Stage 3
Danny AFF Stage 4 – Photos by Doyley

On Saturday – Well the forecast said it was going to rain, BUT it didn’t, the weather man was wrong! We managed to squeeze in 6 loads in. The Tandems today were Steven Freeman and Daniel Blizzard – congrats on taking the leap.

John Troy and Ben Hadlow competed AFF Stage 1. Corey Waldron powered through Stages 4, 5 & 6 and Marcus Piercy completed Stages 6 & 7.  Maria completed B-Rel 1. Rob completed B-Rel 2 and 3 with Oli. Marie, and Gio looked after visiting jumper Yvan – Check out their photos.

Tish got some Star Crest loads happening. Gio completed his last, Carl completed all three, Tayia and Nate completed their first two. Congratulations! The bonfire Saturday night was cosy.

Steve tandem with Charmaine – Photo Kurt
Dan tandem – Photo Robin
John TAF Stage 1 – Photo Doyley
Ben TAF Stage 1 – Photo Charmaine
Corey AFF Stage 5 – Photo Sara

Marcus AFF Stages 6 & 7– Photo Doyley
Maria B-Rel Stage 1
Rob B-Rel 2 & 3 – Photos by OliM
Boys B-Rel with Shelby and Doyley – Photo by Ramblers
Gio first dock – Photo Marie
Marie Head Up dock
Yvan and Marie “Horny Gorilla” – Photos by Gio

Star Crests with Tish

“What an amazing weekend! I had an awesome time coaching starcrest, the stoke level of all the participants was epic! Congratulations to Gio for completing his last Star Crest, Carl for completing all three woohoo!!! Tayia and Nate for completing their first two!!! Thank you to all of the helpers these days aren’t possible without you! You all made my Day and reminded me why I love being a coach !!      Proudly sponsored by Apf Fi Fund, SQPC and Skydive Ramblers.”

Natisha Dingle.

Star Crest Saturday with Tish

Sunday was a beauty weather-wise but numbers were down a bit, only 46 skydivers here but we did 9 caravan loads. Our Tandems today were Matthew John, Conor Hayes, Aaron Rainsford, Jake Burnell, Leigh McClymont and Darren Caroiff (Get Chopped Car Club) – Congrats everybody! Welcome to Ramblers.

Clinton Howard successfully completed AFF Stage 6 and Corey Waldron once again powering through Stages 7, 8 & 9 – completing his AFF! Well done mate.  Dayne completed B-Rel 2 with Robin. Helen smashed out 5 points on her B-Rel 5 jump. Rosie finishing her B-Rel training table with Oli and Kurt – Congrats. Laure did her (first) 4-way B-Rel with 6-pointer with coach Dave Girvin and his son Jett! Karl Herman did some headup coaching with Doyley. After all the work was finished the boys went for some sweet angle jumps. Love them!

Matt tandem freefall – Photo Adrian
Conor in Tandem with Andy – Photo by Travis
Conor, Travis, and Matt – walking back from their Sunday Tandem – Photo by Skydive Ramblers
Aaron tandem exit
Jake tandem – Photos by Doyley
Darren tandem with Tish and Ty – Photo Dave
Clinton AFF Stage 6 – Photo Doyley
Corey AFF Stage 7 Backflips
Corey AFF Stage 8 Hi 5 – Photos by Sara
Corey AFF Stage 8 exit
Dayne B-Rel Stage 2 – Photos by Robin
Helen B-Rel Stage 5 with Chrys – Photo Sara
Laura B-Rel Stage 5 – Photo OliM
Rosie B-Rel 6.3 – Photo Kurt Cooper
Karl Head Up coaching
Adrian, Trav, and Leith – Photos by Doyley

Leith in Tandem at the door and in freefall with TM Adrian – Photos by Travis
Sunday afternoon angle exit with Alberto, Macca, Claudio – Photo Gia
Angle with Gio – Photo Adrian

Another great week with a bit of everything happening. Thanks again to all the coaches and instructors.

See ya!

Macca and the Team at Ramblers.

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and review us on Google or Trip Advisor!


Sergio Villagra – Thank you and if it wasn’t for Jared Moore telling me on missing out on something that cannot be described unless you do it yourself I would still be at home thinking if I should do it. Thank you to the friendly team too.

Aaron – No Better Feeling!

Matty – Absolutely Killer !!

Jake – Loved IT!



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Bill, Just a note to say thanks to you mate for your continued support it was a great trip. I would also like to bring to your leadership teams attention the exceptional support provided by Andy who did the tandem jump with a great friend of mine, Julie. To say Julie was petrified on the lead up to the big day would be a huge understatement. I had my doubts that she would actually exit on the day. I put her decision to exit firmly in the hands of Andy who excelled in calming her down, reassuring her whilst having a bit of a laugh along the way. The manner in which he guided her through what was to her a daunting task was oustanding to watch. He should be commended not only for his flight skills but also his raport and interaction with the customer. I was not surprised to find out he had a military background. Ramblers should be proud to have such fine men on their books as you and Andy, Bill.

“exceptional support”, “reassuring… whilst having a bit of a laugh” – by John D. – Julie’s Tandem

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