Danny Fitzpatrick – 1st Jump AFF Rosie Dodgsen – Completed AFF Marcus Bush – Completed AFF Luke Morley – New Wingsuit
Monday 16th – September. It was a quiet start to the week. We had 5 jumpers who did 3 x 182 loads. They had fun. On Tuesday our AFF student Rosie Dodgsen was here and did Stages 5 & 6 of her Course. Again the 182 carried the day for the 2 loads. Numbers increased on Wednesday. Rosie Dodgsen did Stages 7, 8 & 9 completing her AFF Course. Congratulations! There were 19 skydivers here and we did 5 loads.
Rosie AFF Stage 8 – tracking for dayzRosie AFF Stage 9Midweek angle with Dave, Vince, Kurt, Michael and Marie – Photos by Adrian
On ThursdayMarcus Bush started his skydiving course and did AFF Stage 1. Welcome aboard! It was a busy 8 load day.
Marcus Bush TAF Stage 1 with Darren – Photos by Adrian
Friday. Funtastic! We did 6 loads for the day, there were 18 jumpers doing them including Marcus who got stuck into it and did Stages 2, 3 & 4 of his AFF Course.
Marcus Bush AFF Stage 2 tracking with Darren and Adrian – Photo ShelbyMarcus Bush AFF Stage 2 – Photo Doyley
Marcus Bush AFF Stage 3 exit with Darren and Adrian – Photos by ShelbyMarcus Bush AFF Stage 3Geoff, Ellen, Chris – Photos by Doyley
Saturday. There were lots of jumpers (34) here for the day. Lots of Tandems too today, including a group from UQ. ‘Damon’ Shengle Wang, Emma Waterworth, Zara Zareadeh, ‘Hani’ Zi Qi Wang, ‘Éffie’ Wanxin Li. ‘Barry’ Hang Ai, JingJing Xu, ‘Belinda’ Beilin Zaeng and Roxana Nae all had a freefall blast! Marcus nailed Stages 5, 6 & 7 of his AFF Course and Danny Fitzpatrick arrived for the First Jump Course completing Stage 1. It was a fun night at the bar!
In the Pink – Manifest Staff – Collette and EllenTeam UQ – Effie, Zara, Hani, JingJing, Emma, Damon, Barry and Belinda – Photos by KarenDamon’s tandem – Photo DoyleyEmma tandem freefall with Doyley – Photo AdrianHani tandem – Photo SaraEffie tandem under canopy – Photo AdrianBazza the good banana – Photo SaraRoxana’s tandemBush AFF Stage 6 freefall – Photos by AdrianDanny TAF Stage 1 – Photo Andy
Sunday was a cruisey. 33 jumpers filled the 6 loads that were done. More people arrived for Tandem jumps. Skydiving legend from Aratula days Wayne Fowler, brought his young sons Stephen and Lucas for a Tandem. Barbie’s mate Alexis Dennehy also went for her first skydive. Danny Fitzpatrick did Stage 2 of his AFF Course. Marcus Bush did Stages 8 and 9 – completing his AFF, well done!
Stephen tandem freefall – Photo AdrianNew instructors in training – Johnny, Robin and Oli – Photo Sara