Glenn Dudley – Certificate B Claudio Manganiello – Certificate B Cody Richardson – Certificate D Cory Cassell – Certificate D & Star Crest Fiona McHugh – Packer B Erik Nadorp – 700th Jump
Eddie feeding the birds – Photo by Ali
Monday 12th August. Another Learning Curve here again, and what a beauty. Twenty skydivers were here, all keen and ready to go! We also had a couple of Tandems arrive, George Duffy McGhie and Kennedy Page made the big leap. Marj did 5 full loads. The nightly landing be-briefs and seminars went into full swing. The DZ “Coach House Cafe” was open and stayed open all week. (The food is fantastic!).
Ken’s tandem
Tuesday New student Rachel Young did Stage 1 of her AFF Course. Again another 5 full loads and our numbers swelled to 25 jumpers.
Rachel TAFF Stage 1 – Photos by Oli M
Laura B-Rel Stage 1 & 2 – Photos by DoyleyShane B-Rel 6.3 with Coops & Nate – Photo Sara
Things got busy on Wednesday. It was the EKKA public holiday in Brisbane and we ended up with 41 jumpers here and 13 loads took to the skies. Harvey was kept busy with filming the landings. Our only Tandem today was John Robertson. Our new students also got stuck into it. Peter McClymont did Stages 2 & 3 of his AFF Course and Rachel Young did Stages 2, 3 & 4.
John tandem freefall – Photo OliMRachel AFF Stage 2Rachel AFF Stage 3 – Photos by DoyleyRachel AFFStage 4 – Photo Sara
Colm B-Rel 1 & B-Rel 2Claudio B-Rel 5 – Photos by OliMClaudio B-Rel 6 with Adrian and Chris – Photo KurtDave being Dave
Thursday was almost as busy as yesterday. We ended up doing full 8 loads and 33 jumpers got their knees in the breeze. Rachel Young did AFF Stages 5, 6 & 7. The LCC was in overdrive.
Rachel AFF Stage 5 – Photos by Sara
Rachel AFF Stage 6 – Photos by DoyleyRachel dive exitRachel front flip – Photos by AdrianColm B-Rel 3Laura B-Rel 5 – Photos by OliMLaura B-Rel 6 with Claudio & Adrian – Photo KurtJimmy & Laura B-Rel 6Ayla B-Rel 6 with Johnny – Photo SaraGlenn B-Rel 6 with Oli & Doyley – Photo Kurt
Friday really was Funtastic Friday! There were 35 jumpers here and we did 9 loads. This LCC was one of our best. B-Rels were the focus for the day and lots of licenced jumpers were helping the lesser experienced get their jumps done (and getting their $15 jump ticket vouchers for their help). The last seminars were held and there was a big round of applause for Harvey and the Coaches. What a week! A big Thank You to all our Staff – Manifest, Coaches and Ground Staff (the DZ looked terrific).
John B-Rel 1 – Photo RobinSeth B-Rel 3 high five – Photo AdrianLaura B-Rel 6 with Johnny & Chris – Photo SaraJim B-Rel 6 with Kurt & Claudio – Photo AdrianJimmy B-Rel 6 – Photo DoyleySunset angle with Smithy, Tommy & Dave – Photo Adrian\
Saturday was a beauty! Our only Tandem for today was Alasdair Young, while Tom Carruthers and Robert Underwood did TAF Stage 1. Diego Queiro and Michael Coens did refresher jumps. 14 loads took off and 64 jumpers made the most of the perfect weather. The APF paid us a visit and introduced two of their new staff. Saturday night was a blast with Oli Morris’s night jumps happening and the outside fire blazing away. There was lots of bell ringing, especially when the night jumps finished.
“Once again we had an amazing turnout for night jumps! With 24 people attending, and managing to get 3 full loads off the ground I would say it was an amazing success!
10 people jumped for the first time, and 6 finished their night endorsement, so congratulations to all of you! ☺ The dream of a night star crest was almost a reality with very successful day and night 7 ways, but when we found an 8th person it seemed the pressure got to us, and the jump ended up being what can only be described as a zoo Very well done, and thanks very much to you guys nonetheless – next time it will happen!
Thank you very much to all the usual characters who put in a lot of work on the day to make it run smoothly and safely – I appreciate it heaps! Next ones on 13th and 14th of September, let me know if you want to be involved! Yewwww!”
– OliM
Tom TAFF Stage 1Angela refresher after 11 month break – Photos by SaraTodd B-Rel 4 – Photo AdrianChasing the flag (flag jumper: Jake Edwards) – Photo by Oli MAsh, Skinny, Burkey and Laura “Wagon Wheel”Skinny, Burkey, Ash and Laura – Photos by Johnny H
Sunday was a bit slower than yesterday but we still did 10 loads with 40 jumpers getting airborne.
Diego AFF Stage 8 jumpsWill Sawyer on Tom’s B-Rel 6– Photos by DoyleyTom B-Rel 6.1 with Oliver and brother William – Photo SaraBearyboop, Cody, Susann – Photo Charmaine
It was a great week and it ended with a Sunday night at the pub to celebrate Instructor Adrian’s 31st birthday.
I'm a new jumper and it was heaven on earth for me!
You always get to $14000 feet and you are surrounded by fun jumpers with crazy skill keen to teach.
If you haven't been go!! To say I love it is an understatement. I'll be back very soon!!
“fun jumpers with crazy skill keen to teach” – by Ande Rogers