Toogs DZ e-News #382 (13-19 May 2019)

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Ryan Newis – Completed AFF
Gregg Thomas – Completed AFF
Michael Douglas – Certificate A
Eddie – Certificate C
Terry Frey – Star Crest
Nellie – Star Crest

Q – First rodeo
Karen and Ellen – First day manifest

Monday 13th  A beautiful start to the week. Geoff Thomas was back and he completed Stage 2 of his AFF Course. Ailin Shao and Cain Bryan both did Stage 5.  Matt Drew ran a parachute packing lesson with the students. There were 3 loads and 13 jumpers.

Ailin AFF Stage 5 – Photo Sara
Cain AFF Stage 5 – Photo Alex C

Tuesday 14th Peter Jowett flew in and brought a friend James McIlvenny for a Tandem skydive with us.  Student Navinn Nava did Stage 2 of his AFF Course, Gregg Thomas did Stages 3 & 4, and Ailin Shao did Stage 5 of their AFF Courses. Jialiang Lu smashed out his B-Rel jumps 1,2 and 3 with Matt Drew. All students were back at it again learning how to pack a parachute. 4 loads 17 jumpers.

Greg AFF Stage 4 landing like a boss – Photo Sara
Jay flew through B-Rel 1 and 2
Jay B-Rel Stage 3 – Photos by Drewy

Wednesday 15th  Good weather today. Team Korea kept the plan turning over with 5loads. Student Gregg Thomas completed stage 5 & 6 of his AFF Course.

Thursday 16th  Navinn Nava was back and he completed Stages 3 & 4 whilst Gregg Thomas completed Stage 6 of his AFF CourseJialiang Lu was back out working on his B-Rel jumps with Matt Drew. Ellen Bingham started her manifesting training today with Karen. There were 5 loads.

Nav AFF Stage 4 – Photo Scotty
Jay B-Rel Stage 4 – Photo Drewy

Friday 17th Tiana Philipp join us today for a Tandem skydive with local instructor AdrianMichael Douglas completed Stage 4 and Gregg Thomas completed Stages 7 & 8 of his AFF Course. Local jumpers Terry Frey, Michael Inkley, Isaac Johnson, Gavin Maxwell, Charmaine Nielsen, Warrin Riley, Matt Smith, James Smith and team Korea kept the plane full. There were 5 caravan loads.

Tiana’s tandem exit
Tiana tandem freefall
Tiana with Gavin in freefall
Greg AFF Stage 7
Isaac and Smithy head up – Photos by Adrian
Ryan AFF Stage 6 – Photo Sara

Saturday 18th  Weather was good for skydiving today. Aretha Wedge join us for a Tandem skydive today with Darren, congrats on your skydive.  New students Daniel Bourke and James Mellor completed the classroom training and Stage 1 of their AFF CourseRyan Newis was back and he completed Stages 7 & 8. Gregg Thomas completed Stage 8 of his AFF Course.  There were 9 loads.

Aretha tandem freefall – Photos by Doyley
Daniel TAFF Stage 1 exit
Daniel TAFF Stage 1 freefall – Photos by Oli M
Jim TAFF Stage 1
Ryan AFF 7 backflips for days
Ryan tracking like a boss
Gregg AFF Stage 8 – Photos by Adrian
Laura B-Rel Stage 1 – Photo Sara
Mick B-Rels 2 and 3 – Photo Drewy

Sunday 19th  Tandems for today were Kye Skuse, Shelly Stevens (Happy B’day), Rebecca Mason, Jessica Jago and Samuel Hill, congrats too all of you for taking the leap. Student Ricky Chan and Amy Lee stopped in to finish their AFF, Ricky completed Stage 8. Students Ryan Newis and Gregg Thomas completed Stage 9 – Finishing their AFF. There were 6 loads.

Kye’s tandem – Photo Andy
Shelly’s tandem
Samuel’s tandem
Ricky wind tunnel Stage 8 – Photos by Sara
Ryan AFF Stage 9
Gregg AFF Stage 9 – Photos by Adrian

See ya!

Macca and the Ramblers Team.

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and review us on Google or Trip Advisor!


Tiana Philipp – Super fun, recommend for everyone to do it at least once.

Aretha Wedge – This was the best experience!!  I loved it & would definitely do it again 🙂

Upcoming events

The facilities and equipment are amazing. Pool, bar, plenty of wildlife and the location is just fantastic. The staff are professional, friendly and very welcoming. The local regular jumpers are extremely helpful too so have a chat, ask questions and get involved. Enjoy.

“out of this world” – by ExtremeSportsBlogger

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