Toogs DZ e-News #381 (6-12 May 2019)

Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Harrison Carrodus – Completed AFF
Todd Pickering – Completed AFF
Michael Douglas – Completed AFF
Fred Rae – Certificate A
Cory Cassell – 100th Jump
Kim Doun – 1000th Jump

Monday 6th. A wonderful start to the week, blues skies are here. Tandems for the day were Darren Sippel, Kelli Jones and Gary Jones, who all loved their skydives.  Student Michael Douglas continued through his AFF Stages 7 & 8, Harrison Carrodus did Stages 8 & 9, and Todd Pickering did Stage 9 – completing their AFF! Well done boys. Tayia Merrett continued towards her accuracy jumps. The Koreans were at it again, they all did 7 jumps each. There were 11 loads and 48 jumpers.

Darren tandem – Photos by Ty
Kelli tandem – Photo Sara
Gary in tandem with Adrian – Photo Shelby
Mick tracking for dayz AFF Stage 8
Harrison AFF Stage 8 – Photos by Adrian

Tuesday. The weather was beautiful today. The Tandem for today was Barry Gregory. Student Michael Douglas completed his Stage 9 – competing his AFF Course. Once again the Korean boys were jumping today. 7 caravan loads for today.

Barry in tandem with Adrian
Barry after landing – Photos by Sara
Benny still flying after the weekend
Hop n Pops for dayz with Ty sending it – Photos by Drewy

Wednesday. Another 7 fantastic loads went up today, the weather was amazing light winds and blue skies. Cory Cassell, Eddie Ljungdahl, Erik Nadorp, Ross Kowald, Alex Lay, Shelby and Adrian kept the plane turning all day.

Shelby freeflying and head up – Photos by Adrian
Adrian and Shelby tracking – Photo Shelby
Erik playing footsies with Adrian – Photo Adrian
Alex and Eddie on Cory B-Rel 6
Cory B-Rel 6 with Ollie and Eddie freeflying his slot 8
Team Korea with Sara – Photos by Sara

Thursday. The skies are blue again. Student Sky completed his B-Rel stage 1 with Olli. Janelle completed B-Rel 6 with the help of Darren. There were 7 loads and 15 jumpers. Check out the sunset photo taken by Karen.

Sky B-Rel Stage 1 – Photo Oli M

Janelle B-Rel 6.1 – Photos by Doyley
On Sunset – Photo Karen

Friday. New students for today were Navinn Nava and Ailin Shao whom completed Stage 1 of their AFF Courses. The usual crew were here today keeping the plane in the air all day. Mick Douglas worked towards his accuracy jumps. Jaeson Park and his crew also helped fill the plane.  There were 7 loads and 27 jumpers.

Ailin TAF Stage 1 – Photo Shelby
Choi Suk Il, Woo Byung Hun, Youn Se Cho, Macca, Jaeson and Shangchul – Photo Karen

On Saturday students Marcarla Stiler and James Clippingdale did Stage 1 of their AFF Courses.  The westerly winds picked up today, only experienced jumpers took to the skies. There were 5 loads and 31 jumpers.

Marcarla TAF Stage 1 – Photo Sara

James TAF Stage 1 with Darren – Photos by Oli M

Sunday. Today we had much better weather. Tandems were Kelly Burow and Christine Knappstein.  Gregg Thomas did Stage 1 of his AFF Course and Ailin Shao powered through her Stages 2, 3 & 4. Mick Douglas was at it again working on his accuracy landings.  There were 8 loads and 33 jumpers.

Christine tandem exit
Gregg TAF Stage 1 freefall – Photo Oli M
Ailin AFF Stage 2/3 – Photo Andy
Ailin AFF Stage ¾ – Photo Sara
Mick passed B-Rel 4 – Photo Drewy
Eddy in the Moon – Photo Karen

See ya!

Macca and the Ramblers Team.

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and review us on Google or Trip Advisor!


Todd Pickering – Thanks for being so welcoming.  Darren, Sara & Adrian were awesome to work with.  100% started a new obsession for me!

Kelli Jones – Bloody Amazing.  Best feeling in the world.  Very professional outfit.

Darren Sippel – Wonderful big tick for the bucket list.

Upcoming events

Hey guys,
Thanks for running the Learning Curve Camp last week! It was run to your usual high standard and was a very beneficial experience, especially given my lack of currency after the main COVID closures. I thoroughly enjoy attending these weeks and really appreciate the time dedicated by the whole team at Ramblers, including the instructors, manifest, cafe team, aviation crew/pilots, and support staff. You are all legends and I look forward to coming out again in the near future. 
Cheers, Adam.

“very beneficial experience” – by Adam Parker (Learning Curve Camp)

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