Brendt Hughes – Certificate A Ellen Bingham – Certificate A Andrew Cook – Certificate A David Purdie – Certificate A Adrienne Murray – Certificate A Wade McCracken – Completed AFF & Certificate A Terry Frey – Certificate B Jett Girvin – Certificate C
Learning Curve Camp has arrived. It’s Monday 15th April. The LCC was off to a great start. Lots of Campers and great coaches got the week going. And as well as the 17 fun jumpers here Jianliang Liu did Stages 2, 3 & 4 of his AFF Course and Wade McCracken did Stages 7, 8 & 9 – completing his AFF. On ya Wade! Harvey Hutchinson was on board videoing every bodies landings for the evening seminars.
Laura going for the backloops – Photo SaraEriqa (Q) B-Rel Stage 4 – Photo Shelby
On Tuesday the numbers rose a little. Plus we had two Tandems. Brendan “Harry” Scott and Stamatina White made their big leap! Jianliang did another AFF. The weather was starting to look grumpy which slowed things a little. Instructor Sara ran a booked out Canopy Handling Course over the next couple of days. There were 4 loads and 25 skydivers here.
Matina’s tandemJay AFF Stage 4
By Wednesday good things were happening. Instructors and coaches were kept busy. Sara’s Canopy Handling Course was going great, lots of improvement happening. Nothing like knowing you’re being filmed to help you improve!
New Tandem jumpers Ken Caesar and Lenise Ingleton had a go. Bianca Diamond did AFF Stages 1, 2 & 3 and Zachary McLeay did Stages 2, 3 & 4. There were 15 loads and 34 jumpers filling them. Lots of good coaching was happening.
Ken tandem exitKen in freefall – Photos by AdrianLenise rocking her tandemBianca TAFF Stage 1 ground training – Photos by Oli MBianca AFF Stage 2 – Photo DoyleyBianca AFF Stage 2 – Photo RobinBianca AFF Stage 3 – Photo DoyleyZach AFF Stage 3Zach AFF Stage 4 – Photos by Luke
Sara’s Canopy Handling Course
Sara’s Canopy Handling Course – Photo by Karen
A big congratulations to all my canopy course jumpers. Cameron, Cory, Trevor, Max, Eddie, Stilly, Skye, Ellen, and Karen. I had a great 2 days teaching and sharing my knowledge with you all. With all the focus on canopy control lessons and landing techniques everyone excelled without a doubt. The fear of landing has now gone. To all my students keep up your drills and skills and now that your more confidant please don’t go back to your bad habits, Remember to revise what was taught to you throughout the course and don’t get lazy.
Canopy courses like these go to show how much people are NOT doing their in-flight canopy skills and they wonder why they have bad landings. Its great to see jumpers caring about there landings nowadays and the willingness to learn is wonderful to see. Practice will always pay off, read your manuals, ask your instructors and find a coach or mentor and you too can be confidant with your canopy flying.
This course is designed for anyone who struggles with any aspects of canopy control.
Keep tuned for the next Canopy Course
Safe landings Sara
Thursday arrived and Bianca Diamond did AFF Stages 4 & 5 and Zachary McLeay did Stages 5, 6, 7 & 8. There were 7 loads done and 31 jumpers got their knees in the breeze.
Our only tandem on Good Friday was Hannah Kenny. Bianca Diamond did AFF Stage 6. The weather was getting challenging. We had five new 1st Jump Course students here for the day training. There were 6 loads and the numbers swelled to 45 fun jumpers. It was a terrific LCC despite the grumpy weather. Thanks again to Harvey for a great effort with the landing videos, such a useful, essential part of a LCC. Thanks also to Mason Corby and our regular Instructors and Staff for looking after everybody.
Hannah tandem freefall with Ian – Photo AdrianAngles with Mason, Smithy, and Drewey – Photo MasonAngles with Mason, Drewey and Mad Dog – Photo Smithy
A large group of Tandems from UQ came on Saturday including Yingxue “Sherry” Wan, Xuehua “Vivi” Qiao, Jinghu “Ruby” Zhang, Siki Hui, Zaigiao “Molly” Wang, and Xinlu “Luna” Li. Also here for their first taste of tandem skydiving were Sally Sutton and Jacinta Murray.
1st Jump Course students from Friday finally got in the air. Xixiao Chen, Cain Bryan, Aaron Killbey, Josh Mos all did AFF Stage 1. In between rain showers there were 7 loads and 42 fun jumpers, about 15 of whom were getting together for some good old Relative Work.
Viv tandem – Photo SaraSiki tandem exitSiki tandem freefall – Photos by AdrianSiki Hui with tandem master Adrian – Photo KarenMolly tandem exitMolly tandem canopy – Photos by AndyLuna tandem freefallLuna tandem canopy – Photos by DaveAbdullah, Ruby, Sherry, Molly, Luna, Vivi, and Siki with their certificates after their jumps – Photo KarenJacinta’s tandem – Photo SaraAaron’s TAFF Stage 1 – Photo AndyJosh TAFF Stage 1 – Photo Sara
More big RW loads were going for it on Easter Sunday. The weather was the same! Grumpy! It was great weather for busting through clouds and trying to get down before the rain! Our newest student Sarah Hewett did Stage 1 of her AFF Course. Yixiao Chen did Stage 2. Joshua Mos did Stages 2 & 3. Scott Paten did Stages 5 & 6. Bianca Diamond did Stages 7 & 8 and Laura Johansson Salagean did Stage 8. There were quite a few skydivers here, the party was a beauty and so was the bonfire! It really was a great week in spite of the on again – off again rain squalls.
Sarah, Emily and Sara pre AFF Stage 2Chen AFF Stage 2Josh AFF Stage 2 exitJosh AFF Stage 3 – Photos by DoyleyBianca AFF Stage 7Bianca AFF Stage 8 – Photos by Olli
As a SCUBA Instructor, I'm watchful for safety and professionalism in other extreme sports and the staff, buildings, equipment, plane and even other customers at Ramblers all gave me a feeling of safety and comfort in addition to being genuinely welcoming as newcomer to their sport. If you haven't been and have been wanting to skydive - this is a GREAT place to start your newest addiction. : )