Toogs DZ e-News #373 (11-17 March 2019)

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Sian Almond – Certificate A
Shelby du Moulin – Coach Application

Newsletter time again, starting from Monday 11th March. Brock Phillis was back for Stages 4 & 5. Li Pok Man was also back for a Stages 4 refresher and then straight to back where he left off for a Stage 6.

There were 6 fun jumpers here, 8 loads for the day including the hop & pop loads. Costa was out canopy coaching Adrian Seeman, Oliver Fong, Amy Jamieson and Daniel Catlow, Adrian, Fong and Dan are competing at the Canopy Nationals in a few week over in W.A.

Brock AFF Stage 5
Li Pok Man AFF Stage 4 – Photos by Lindsey
Li Pok Man AFF Stage 6 – Photo Sara
Lindsey landing
Shelby landing
Sara landing
Doyley doing what he does best – Photos by Drewy

Tuesday was a bit quieter. There were only 2 loads. Li Pok Man did Stages 7 & 8. Another 6 fun jumpers filled the loads. Then the afternoon storms stopped us from jumping.

Li Pok Man AFF Stage 8 – Photo Adrian
James’ accuracy is improving
Maria’s new parachute – Photos by Drewy

Wednesday picked up. Blue skies and light winds made for an excellent skydiving day. There were 4 loads and 6 fun jumpers. Brock Phillis returned for Stages 6 & 8. He did very well at his jumps as was fast tracked through his course.  Li Pok Man started his B-RelsZeb Whalley continued his accuracy jumps and started his B-rel Jumps, Pok Man completed his A Licence currency requirements and Stage 2 B-rel.

Brock about to exit on AFF Stage 6 – Photo Sara
Brock tracking for dayz on AFF Stage 8 – Photo Adrian
Li Pok Man B-Rel Stage 1 with Lindsey – Photo Lindsey
Zeb B-Rel stage 2 – Photo Sara

Thursday was a bit quiet. Some loads were done. 4×182 loads took to the skies. Lindsey Boniface, Mitchell Brown, John Hillman, Eddie Ljungdahl, Sam Smith, Mathias and Zeb Whalley filled the 182 today.

Funtastic Friday was similar, there were 5 loads and 8 fun jumpers here. The local jumpers kept the plane turning all day. Brock completed B-rel 3 with Adrian, but then the weather was turning.

Brock B-Rel Stage 3 – Photo Adrian

Saturday started slow with threatening weather but cleared a little by midday and we had beautiful blues skies all day. Brodie Reid, Kimberley Rogers, and Joel Lucht all got their tandems in amongst the clouds. Ellen Bingham and Chris Moore started their AFF with Sara and did Stage 1 in the afternoon. There were only 3 loads for the day but the 14 fun jumpers made the most of it. Skye Completed B-rel 5 with Shelby and Darren.

Brodie in tandem with Darren – Photo Shelby
Kimberley tandem
Kimberley after landing – Photos by Sara
Joel tandem canopy – Photos by Adrian
Kimberley and Joel after their tandems – Photo Karen
Ellen TAF Stage 1 – Photo Alex
Chris TAF Stage 1
Chris TAF Stage 1 “that’s not how you arch”
Chris geeking camera – Photos by Adrian
Skye B-Rel Stage 5 with Shelby and Darren – Photo Doyley
Matt and Jess 3-way
Matt fun jump – Photos by Drewy

Sunday was similar re the weather, painful. However three new students, Eduard Noack-Lundberg, Tayia Merrett and Tamara Vujadinovic all did their First Jump.  Ellen Bingham did AFF Stages 2 & 3. Cooper McClymont did Stages 5 & 6. There were only 3 loads for the day but the 13 fun jumpers made the most of it before the storms opened up the skies.

Ellen AFF Stage 2
Ellen after AFF Stage 2
Ellen AFF Stage 3 – Photos by Sara
Cooper AFF Stage 5 – Photo Doyley
Olli landing like a boss – Photo Drewy

Skye Marsh demonstrating the right way to bring back a parachute after landing – Photos Karen

Sunday after the storms downpour – Photos Ali

See ya!

Macca and the Ramblers Team.

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and review us on Trip Advisor!


Brodie – Best thing in the world to do.  Would definitely do it again.
Kimberley + Joel – Woah!!  I’m thirsty.  Cannot be compared !!  Sara – I love you X

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