Toogs DZ e-News #361 (17-23 Dec. 2018)

Friday, December 28, 2018


Warren Collins – AFF 9 & Certificate A
Steve Zanow –Completed AFF
Jun-Tin Lin – Completed AFF
Philip Filipi – Certificate A
Nick Streeter – Certificate A

Shai Lewis – Completed B-Rels
Jett Girvin – Certificate B
Chris Priester – 100 Jumps & Certificates B & C
Chris Main –100 Jumps & Certificate C
Rene Hess – 200th Jump!
Burkey – 300th Jump

Luke Morely – Head Up Freefly Crest
MADDOG – Coach Rating
Harvey Hutchinson – Family Reunion
Georgia Roberts – 1st Jump in 4 Years

Learning Curve Camp week was full of plenty of good intentions but started out with less than wonderful weather.  Monday 17th was therefore very classroom orientated with Nick Streeter doing refresher preparation! The day seminars broke the boredom.

On Tuesday the weather improved as the day went on. LCCers were happy. Warren Collins adopted our DZ, upgraded to AFF and did Stage 3. Jun-Ting Lin did Stages 7 & 8. There were landing tapes to look at in the evening.

By Wednesday the LCC was in full swing. New students Debbie (I Ching) Liu, Chris Reilly & Byron Birch did Stage 1 of their AFF Course and Warren Collins did Stages 4, 5 & 6. It was a great day, Harvey’s landing tapes and evening seminars kicked in.

New students arrived on Thursday. Chris Bowden, Andrew Kipolas, Ron Noonan, and Jared Moore all did Stage 1. Debbie Liu & Jhock Corong continued on to  Stage 2. Chris Reilly did Stages 2 & 3 and Warren Collins did Stage 7 & 8. The LCC picked up the pace. Lots of fun jumping was happening. Again the day tapes and seminars were well received.

Friday was a beauty with more people arriving. Our student numbers were about as high as the LCCampers! Chris Bowden, Jared Moore & Andrew Kipolas did Stage 2 of their AFF Course. Ron Noonan did Stages 2 & 3. Marc Dunlop did Stage 3 & Debbie Liu did Stage 4. Chris Reilly did Stages 4 & 5 and Terry Frey did Stage 6.  Whew!

The clouds rolled in late Friday and so did the lightning! We have ended up with very few photos this week. A lightning bolt hit the DZ early Friday evening and wiped out our computers, PA system, our main big screen TV and our NAS. It also wiped out all our midweek Newsletter photos!

Lightning Strike – The tree that was hit!  Photo by Karen
Ron AFF Stage 3 – Photo by Sara

Saturday was a beauty. Lots of skydivers were here. There was also a big bunch of Harvey’s family here for tandems to celebrate the Hutchinson family reunion – Lara Hutchinson, Tony Hutchinson, Molly Paterson, Jamaiah Hutchinson, Brynn du Rand, Charlie Craig and Hayden Craig.  Harvey’s son Martin also jumped as an experienced jumper!

New students Joel and David Pearson did Stages 1 & 2 of their AFF Course. Debbie Liu and Giovanni Pitzalis did Stages 4 & 5. Steve Zanow did Stage 5 & 6 and Chris Reilly did Stage 6. It really was a great day and a great night.

Lara with Martin
Lara after landing – Photos by Sara
Jamaiah in freefall – Photo Andy
Brynn lovin’ his tandem
Brynn after landing – Photos by Sara
Hayden’s tandem jump
Hayden under canopy – Photos by Robbie
Dave TAF Stage 1 – Photo Andy
Debbie AFF Stage 3 – Photo Sara
Debbie AFF Stage 5
Gio AFF Stage 5
Gio AFF Stage 6 – Photos by Sara

Sunday was a pleasant day. Fun jumpers kept the plane full and moving along. So did our new tandem jumpers. Helen Hatfield, Tim, Jack & Belinda McLean, & Peter Johnson all took to the skies. Our students kept pumping the jumps out. Giovanni Pitzalis did Stage 6. Steve Zanow did Stages 7 & 8. Jun-Ting Lin did Stage 9 – completing his AFF, well done mate!

Helen on exit

Helen in freefall – Photos by Rangry
Lin AFF Stage 9 – Photo Sara

It was a fantastic week’s Skydiving. Pity about the lightning strike.

See ya!
Macca & Team Ramblers.

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and review us on Trip Advisor!


Chris Bowdens – Loved it opened up a whole new world.  A must for everyone 😀

Warren Collins – All the way through A license.  What a great week,  Thanks Darren, Bear, Dave and all the gang! 😀

Upcoming events

26 – 31 December – Xmas Feelgood Time

18 – 22 February 2019 – Learning Curve Camp
15 – 19 April 2019 – Learning Curve Camp
10-14 June 2019 – Learning Curve Camp

Tuesday, 18 June 2019 – 40 years Ramblers – milestone date (official opening 1979)

12 – 16 August 2019 – Learning Curve Camp
7-11 October 2019 – Learning Curve Camp
9-13 December 2019 – Learning Curve Camp

Saturday 24 – Sat. 31 October 2020 – Equinox Boogie 2020 – save the date!

As a SCUBA Instructor, I'm watchful for safety and professionalism in other extreme sports and the staff, buildings, equipment, plane and even other customers at Ramblers all gave me a feeling of safety and comfort in addition to being genuinely welcoming as newcomer to their sport. If you haven't been and have been wanting to skydive - this is a GREAT place to start your newest addiction. : )

“genuinely welcoming” – by Mary Alice Miller

Skydive Ramblers Newsletter