Toogs DZ e-News #331 (21-27 May 2018)

Thursday, May 31, 2018


Robin Spedding – Star Crest
Ty Fels – Display Rating

Monday 21st & Tuesday 22nd we did a few loads.

Matteo B-Rel 3
Adam P high pull on new gear – Carton – Photos by Doyley

Wednesday 23rd student Tyler Kluza did Stage 5 of his AFF Course.

Tyler AFF Stage 5 – Photos by Doyley

Thursday 24th student Harold Davies did Stages 5 & 6, & Tyler Kluza did Stages 6 & 7 of their AFF Courses.

Harry AFF Stages 5 & 6 – Photos by Adrian

Ty AFF Stage 6 – exit & left hanging
Ty AFF Stage 7 – backloops
Ty AFF 7 – high five

Friday 25th student Harold Davies did Stages 7 & 8 of his AFF Course.

Harry AFF Stage 8 – Photos by Doyley
Rafa B-Rel Stage 4
Funtastic Friday Jump
Funtastic Friday Jump with Olli & Matt Smith – Photos by Adrian
Wagonwheel – without shoe – Vince – Photo Doyley

Tandems Saturday 26th were Emma Russell, Melanie Bell, Steven Turner, Anne-Maree Neuendorf, Haleena Murphy & Bronte Grancourt.

Emma in tandem with Adrian – Photos by Alex

Steve’s tandem with Adrian – Photos by Doyley
Anne lovin’ her tandem – Photo Andy

Student Tyler Kluza did Stage 8 of his AFF Course.

Ty AFF Stage 8 – Photo Doyley

We also had the Watts Bridge Red Thunder Airshow Demo both days on the weekend.

Coming in on the Watts Bridge Red Thunder Airshow Demonstration Jump – Photos by Olli
Coming into Watts Airfield during the Red Thunder Airshow – Photo Adrian

Watch the Demo Video by David Brown!


Tandems Sunday 27th were Matthew Fawdon & Simone White.

Matt rockin’ his tandem with Doyley – Photo Doyley

Simone and Adrian in freefall – Photos by Alex

See ya!
Macca & Team Ramblers.

Visitor Book Comments

Emma Russell – Such an amazing experience!! Adrian was fantastic!!
Anne Neuendorf  – Awesome, everyone must do this once in a life time. Andy was great.
Matthew Fawdon – Thanks Darren!  Awesome!! Cross that one off my bucket list! Time to put it back on and do it again!
Simone White – Terrifying, exhilarating.  Awesome experience!  Thanks Adrian!

First skydiving experience and it couldn’t have been better, I had the time of my life and felt so safe throughout the whole tandem. A very welcoming space and awesome people.

“the time of my life” – by Ninji Newcombe

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