Kenneth Navarro Osuna – Completed Wind Tunnel AFF (WTO) Luke Puxley – Completed AFF Sam Nield – Certificate C Monique Rothe – 700 Jumps
It was a quiet start to the week with nothing happening on Monday 26th of March. Things picked up on Tuesday. Roger Mulckey arrived with a crew for some jumps. Peter Cross, Michael Binnie, and Damien Helgeson got stuck into it in the 182. Some regular fun jumpers joined in.
On WednesdayRaphael Pajot arrived for a refresher jump. Damien and Peter were still here. Ashley Robinson was up for a B-Rel. Other fun jumpers got the Caravan going. Thursday was quiet. The whole week was a bit “weatherish”.
Raphael refresher jumpAsh B-Rel 1 – Photos by Sara
Then it was Easter. Good Friday brought good weather, sort of. It was clearing up. Our new Tandems were Craig Horrigan and Katrina Kliese. We had a 1st Jump Course and Tim Houben and Trent Cotton did Stage 1. Nicholas McComb did Stage 6. Both the 182 and the Caravan shared the lifts. It was a good start to the holiday break with a good crew of fun jumpers here as well.
Katrina and Doyley on exitKatrina thumbs up – Photos by AlexTrent TAF 1Anthony’s angle group – Photos by Doyley
On Saturday our tandems were Stephen Banks and Karissa Lindeman. New 1st J.C. student from yesterday Cody Richardson did Stages 1, 2 & 3 of his Addiction Package. Trent Cotton did Stages 2 & 3, and Tim Houben did Stages 2, 3 & 4. Alex Carlson was back for a refresher. Luke Puxley was also here and did Stages 8 & 9 – completing his AFF Course, well done! More fun jumpers were here and we got 10 sorties done.
Karissa exiting the plane with DaveKarissa rocking freefallCody TAF Stage 1 alti checkCody deploying – Photos by AlexTim AFF Stage 2 with Anthony – Photos by DaveLuke AFF Stage 8Luke AFF Stage 9Alex refresher – Photos by Doyley
Easter Sunday, the 1st of April – April Fool’s Day. It was bigger than yesterday. Lots of fun jumpers kept the loads full and moving. More “new” skydivers arrived; Masahiro Yamamoto, Kevin Hadi, Francesco Bosco, Ahmed Ehsani & Jarrod Kaye all did Tandems. Ka Lam Cheung did Stages 3 & 4. Tim Houben and Cody Richardson did Stages 4 & 5.
Masahiro in tandem with Andy – Photo AnthonyKevin’s tandemKevin about to deploy – Photos by AlexAhmed (Jackie) – Photo DoyleyTim AFF Stage 4 with BenTim AFF Stage 5 – Photos by AnthonyCody AFF Stage 4Cody AFF Stage 5Ty and Simon two-way – Photos by DoyleyAngle exit
Monique Rothe’s 700 Jump 8-way angle – Photo Anthony
It was a great Easter weekend, lots of everything skydiving happening. Monique did jump number 700, well done Sky Goddess! And then it was off to the pub for a bit of fun.