Arnold Lampel – Completed AFF Brandon Pettersson – Completed AFF
Our APF President for Life, Mr Claude Gillard F4, OAM, Master of Sport Parachuting caught here posing in his Coat of Many Colours, on his 90th birthday with a photo of his First Jump Course group in 1959 with the Parachute Training School. The photo was presented to Claude by Bill Cochrane on behalf of the PTS.
Another week, another Newsletter. It’s starts from Monday 19th of March, and on this day Arnold Lampel did 4 jumps and his Stage 9 – completing his AFF Course! Well done Arne. Ashley Robinson also banged out three jumps completing his B-Rels. Another “Well Done”!
Arnold AFF Stage 9 – Photo AdrianKurt 7 point B-Rel 6.3 – Photo by DoyleyKurt 7 point B-Rel 6.3 – Photo by AlexKurt 7 point B-Rel 6.3 – Photo by DoyleyInstructor fun on B-Rel
Tuesday and Wednesday was a bit go-slow. Jumping was light due to wind and rain. On Thursday it was still iffy but our two new TandemsEthan and Terry Holmes meant one Marj load for the day so everybody on the drop zone got one jump in.
Terry on exitTerry in Freefall – Photos by AlexEthan’s tandem with Darren – Photo Shelby
We still had the iffy weather on Friday so hop and pops from the 182 were the go, until Wes King arrived for a Tandem. So it was Marj time again and our very own pilot Eloise Tyler also did a Tandem.
Eloise and Scotty’s exit – Photo ScottyEloise and “Tom Cruise” AKA Scotty in freefall – Photo Shelby
The sausage Sizzle was a good one and Shelby won the Fooze Comp and a free ticket to height.
Saturday started with lots of flatties ready for Formation Loads but nuisance cloud delayed their program until midday. Then it was on and the Rel Workers got 4 formation loads in.
Formation people about to dirt diveExit, exit, exit!!! Marj and Homer flying in formation. Photo courtesy of David C BrownRoundy! Photo courtesy of David C BrownFormation Load landings – Photo courtesy of David C BrownFormation Load jumpers – Photo courtesy of David C Brown
There were other skydivers here to doing different stuff. Our Tandem for the day was Maksymillian Kukielczynski. Charles Grevell arrived and did Stage 2 of his AFF Course. Luke Puxley did Stages 5, 6 & 7 and Brandon Pettersson completed Stage 9 of his AFF Course. Congratulations Brandon.
Charlie AFF Stage 2 with Ben FullerLuke AFF Stage 6 – Photos by AdrianLuke AFF Stage 7 exitLuke deployment – Photos by DoyleyFun exit by Doyley
It ended up a beaut day, lots of smiling skydivers.
Then on SundayDrew McDade was back for Stages 5 & 6. Emma and Shai were also back for more B-Rels. The formation crew still had issues with cloud but managed two jumps. We managed 7 hop and pop loads and 7 high loads.
Drew AFF Stage 5 – first time flying by himself – Photo AdrianEmma B-Rel 5 – Photo DoyleyShai B-Rel 5 with help from Shelby – Photo Adrian