Toogs DZ e-News #321 (12-18 March 2018)

Monday, March 19, 2018


Robert Lyndon – Completed AFF
Ashley Robinson – Completed AFF
Jett Girvin – Completed AFF
Nellie Moody – Certificate C
Josh Morgan – 100 Jumps!
Jackson Brockwell – 100 Jumps!
John Hamilton – 300 Jumps!
Claude Gillard – 90 Years Young!

It’s Newsletter time again. It’s Monday 12th March. And the weather was perfect. And Drew McDade was back for Stages 2 & 3 of his AFF Course. So were Robert Lyndon who did Stages 2, 3 & 4, Arnold A. Lampel did Stages 3, 4 & 5 and Ashley Robinson did Stages 7 & 8. What a great start to the week.

Drew AFF Stage 2 – Photo Doyley
Rob after his AFF Stage 2
Arnold AFF Stage 3 with Scotty
Arnold AFF Stage 4 with Scotty
Arnold AFF Stage 5 flying by himself for the first time – Photos by Adrian
Ash AFF Stage 7
Ash AFF Stage 8 – Photos by Doyley
John Hamilton’s 300th – Photo Shelby

On Tuesday there were two. Robert Lyndon did Stages 5 & 6 and Arnold A. Lampel did Stages 6 & 7 of their AFF Courses.

Arnold AFF Stage 6 – Photo Adrian

The fun jumpers here were enough to get Marj up for a couple of loads.

We had a family of tandems arrive on Wednesday. Taylor, Theresa, and Cortney Cameron all took to the skies.

Taylor’s tandem with Scotty – Photo Scotty
Cortney’s tandem with Sara

Arnold A. Lampel did his Stage 8 and Rob Lyndon did Stages 7, 8 & 9 – finishing his Course! On ya Rob.

Rob AFF Stage 7 – Photos by Sara

We ended up doing four loads.

Thursday was a bit quiet. Only three loads from Charlie the 182. However Ashley Robinson was on all three and did Stage 9 – completing his AFF! Well done Ash.

Ash AFF Stage 9 – Congratulations! – Photo Adrian

On Friday Bubba was here with his Canopy Handling seminar Hop ‘n’ Poppers. They got stuck into it after the fog lifted and did about 7 loads. Drew McDade was back for Stage 4 AFF. Numbers swelled in the afternoon and the Sausage Sizzle was a hit again.

Then it was Saturday and the weather was fabulous. Bubba’s seminar continued on with new recruits. Our tandems on the day were Jack Berry and Darna Andrews.

Jack’s tandem Saturday – Photo Andy
Darna’s tandem – Photo Doyley

Student Ryan Gardiner did Stage 1 of his AFF Course.
Daniel McWhir was back for a refresher.

Dan refresher – Photo Doyley

Jett Girvin did Stages 4, 5 & 6.

Jett AFF Stage 4 with Adrian – Photo by Dave
Jett AFF Stage 5 flying by himself for the first time
Jett AFF Stage 6 – Photos by Adrian
Doyley freeflying with Lee – Photo Lee
Lee freeflying

Over 40 jumpers had fun. Legend CRW champion Peter Barnett took to the skies to celebrate Claude Gillard’s 90th birthday.

Peter Barnett Hop ’n’ Pop before Claude’s party – Photos by Doyley

Saturday night was party night for Claude Gillard. It was a big one with about 70 people from all over rocking up.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAUDE!

On Sunday the weather was still good. Numbers were down but to be expected. There was a little bit of everything going on with everybody getting their jumps in. Jett Girvin got stuck into it and did Stage 7, 8 & 9 –finishing his AFF! We now have a father & son team on the Drop Zone. Watch out Dave, it won’t be long and Jett will be teaching you new tricks!

Jett AFF Stage 7 – Photo Dave
Jett AFF Stage 8 – Photo Doyley
Jett AFF Stage 9 – Photo Dave

See ya,
Macca and the Ramblers Team.

From our Visitor’s Book

Theresa Cameron – Best thing ever!
Darna Andrews & Jack Berry – THE MOST AMAZING thing we have ever done!  (The instructors were fabulous!)

The facilities and equipment are amazing. Pool, bar, plenty of wildlife and the location is just fantastic. The staff are professional, friendly and very welcoming. The local regular jumpers are extremely helpful too so have a chat, ask questions and get involved. Enjoy.

“out of this world” – by ExtremeSportsBlogger

Skydive Ramblers Newsletter