Toogs DZ e-News #319 (26 Feb. – 4 Mar. 2018)

Thursday, March 8, 2018


Angela Lions – 50th Jump

We were off to a good start this Monday 26th February. There were not that many people here but the fun jumpers got the 182 up and running for five loads. Our Korean student Kim Jinsik (Jr.) did Stage 3 of his AFF Course. But then it rained Tuesday.

Mr Woo, Mr and Master Kim and Shelby meditating Monday morning – Photo Lynette

Wednesday was better. We did nine loads, half of them out of Homer (Marj was away for regular maintenance). Ashley Robinson and Luke Puxley did Stages 3 & 4 of their AFF Courses, and Mr Kim Jr. did Stages 4 & 5.

Ash AFF Stage 3 with Darren
Luke AFF Stage 3 with Darren – Photos by Adrian
Luke AFF Stage 4
Ash AFF Stage 4 – Photos by Doyley

Thursday was all 182 but lots of them. We did manage one Caravan load. Ash did Stages 5 & 6 of his AFF Course and Luke Moham did B-Rel 6.1.

Ash AFF Stage 5
Luke B-Rel 6 with help of Shelby and John – Photos by Adrian

Friday was looking busy. There were 20+ fun jumpers here, the weather was great but we had slight  hiccup with the aircraft, after 7 loads, so luckily late in the day. It didn’t stop our newest skydiver Mitchell Brown doing his First Jump. Luke Moxham did B-Rel 6.2, and Angela Lions did B-Rel 6. It was a beaut Sausage sizzle again too.

Angela B-Rel 6 with help of Alex – Photo Adrian
Shelby & Tim with Luke – exit for Luke’s B-Rel 6.2 – Photos by Doyley
Doyley B-Rel – Photo by John Hamilton
TSC volunteers doing their bit. Travis makes the tank stand.
Rangry finished it off. Thanks to Travis and Rangry – Photos by Macca
Sara ringing the bell for her successful IA Course

Then it was Saturday. What a day! Lots of students, a few tandems and about 50 fun jumpers kept Homer really busy. Our tandems were Natasha Lys, (daughter of Tim and Jas), Kim Hobbs, (daughter of Dave Hobbs, an early Aussie legend) and Kirby Petty (Hobbsies’ granddaughter). Mitchell Brown got Stage 2 done and Brandon Pettersson did Stages 2 to 4. Our next newest skydivers, Jett Girvin, age 15 – (son of David!) and Andreas Arnold Lampel did their first TAF.  It was a big day. So was the party Saturday night!

Natasha’s tandem with Sara – Photo Adrian
Kim’s tandem with Andy – Photo Andy

Darren with Mitchell Brown after Stage 2
Brandon TAF 1 deployment – Photo Alex
Brandon AFF Stage 3 with Darren – Photo Adrian
Brandon AFF Stage 4 – Photo Doyley

Sunday was quieter but steady. Our one tandem was Jade Perry. Arnold Lampel did Stage 2 of his AFF Course, Jett Girvin did Stages 2 & 3 and Brandon Pettersson did Stages 5, 6  & 7, what a goer! It poured straight after the last load.

Jett’s AFF Stage 2
Jett’s AFF Stage 2
Jett after his AFF Stage 2

Jett’s AFF Stage 3 – Photos by Dave
Jett’s AFF Stage 3 – Photo by Adrian
Brandon AFF Stage 5

Brandon AFF Stage 6

Brandon AFF Stage 7 – Photos by Doyley
John Hannan getting his angles right
Michael getting amongst it – Photos by Anthony

This newsletter goes on until Wednesday the 7th of March. On Monday, in the bad weather, four die-hard Swoopers were here to do some training for the Nationals. They did 10 loads, and the place was just about underwater from the severe storm we had Sunday night. It was splash down every jump! Talk about hard core competitors! Good luck fellas. It’s been raining since then. The wild life love it. Tomorrow looks not good too. Oh well, you get that on the big jobs.

Charly, Bubba, Josh Costa, Robbie and Fong.

See ya,

Macca and the Ramblers Team.

Visitor Book Comments

Natasha Lys J : “Most exciting experience of my life!! The awesomest thing I have EVER done!! I can’t even explain how it feels in words! J ♥J♥”

Jade Perry: “OMG AMAZING!  Thank u Andy! ♥”

Josh Costa:

“Hey Dave, 
Mate just want to thank you for your support of the previous months in our way to nationals. We would not of been able to do it with out your support. (…) Will defiantly talk more about our future training and hopefully get close to the team to make the world meet.
Thanks again Macca!
Josh Costa”


This is the place for your AFF Skydive Course! It was one of the most memorable experiences of my life and in no small part due to the great people at the Toogoolawah dropzone. I highly recommend this place for those considering learning how to throw themselves out of a perfectly good airplane. You won't regret your decision.

“no nonsense attitude and professional approach” – by Sean B.

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