⭐️Jason Mitchell Colless, ⭐️Kristan Lee Fischer, ⭐️Greg Neville White.
⭐️Giovanni Pitzalis, ⭐️David Hedley.
⭐️David Hedley, ⭐️Todd Anthony Dowsley
⭐️David Hedley
⭐️Ashley Robinson
⭐️Zhi Jun (Jag) Wei, ⭐️Reagan Kennedy, ⭐️Jayden Michael Woods, ⭐️Todd Anthony Dowsley.
⭐️Zhi Jun (Jag) Wei
Monday 12th – Tandems today were Demi Lana Giroussis, Jonathan Garry and Maria Testa.
Student Gabriel Gorza did Stages 6 & 7 of his AFF Course and Stuart Law did Stages 7 & 8.
Tuesday 13th – Gabriel Gorza did Stages 8 & 9 of his AFF Course – completing his AFF!
Wednesday 14th – was very quiet.
Thursday 15th – Student Megan Morgan did Stages 8 & 9 of his AFF Course – completing her AFF. Congratulations!
Friday 16th was very quiet. Mark did his B-Rel 1, Mark did B-Rel 3, and Charmaine, Nellie, Georgina, Johnny, and Ollie went for a track with Sara.
Tandems Saturday 17th were Archie Moore, Emma Nielsen, Nakeyta Randell, Brendan Gannaway and ArdenKruysmulder Forsyth.
New students Eric Aitken and Jack Sheehan did Stage 1 of their AFF Courses. Samuel Bulla did Stages 2 & 3, and Jack Michael did Stages 4, 5 & 6.
Sunday 18th – Tandems today were Storme Heywood, Bruno Vuletic and Jakob Vuletic.
Student Jack Sheehan did Stage 2 of his AFF Course, Eric Aitken did Stages 2 & 3, Trevor Weis did Stages 3 & 4, Jean Pierre De La Vega did Stages 5 & 6 and Guilherme Rodiques Pinto did Stage 6 of his AFF Course, Janarri Price did Stage 6 of her AFF Course.
That was the most exciting adrenalin rush I have ever had. It was made so easy by the staff and those who jumped at the same time as I did. Not only did I feel included, but the genuine friendly nature of the people in that plane dissolved any nerves I had. What was so invigorating to see, was the eagerness of all to get out of the plane with no hesitation. Now: to the guy who took me as a Tandem, Tye, I know this man personally and wanted to jump with him. That never distracted from the professionalism shown and practiced by this Tandem Master. You made it easy and fun and beyond that safe. You are one top notch flier and I will jump again with you should I ever decide to do it again. Thank you so much everyone.
Barry Smith.
“…the people in that plane dissolved any nerves I had” – by Barry Smith