Skydive Ramblers e-News #428 – Covid-19 Plan (9th June 2020)

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Hi Everybody, the Newsletter is back!

There’s not much Skydiving to report since the last one but the Big News is that the Ramblers Drop Zone at Toogoolawah will re-commence student training activities this coming Sunday June 14th. We will be starting moderately with First Jump Courses and Packages only. Other 1st Jump Courses will follow at later dates in June, stay posted. Our Covid-19 Plan allows us to have groups of up to 20 only on the drop zone. Hence the modest start.

If you are thinking about learning to skydive, this period during the next few weeks will be a perfect time to get started with your formal First Jump Course and beat the price rise from the 30th June.

We will be jumping everyday for the next few weeks with numbers limited to 20. So other students and novices are invited to come along for refresher training and course continuation training. If you want to come along your first step is to email the DZ on with your details and we will get back to you by email with confirmation and any instructions.

Ramblers will be back to (the new) normal on Saturday 11th July with up to 100 visitors. We are looking forward to everybody being able to start general skydiving again.

Please click onto our detailed information COVID-19 bulletin and check out the new normal requirements expected of you before arrival at the DZ.

Please email the DZ with your details, and book and get confirmation of your booking before you come to the Drop Zone.


Contact manifest to let us know you are coming (07) 5423 1159

Student first jump courses ONLY starting on: Sunday 14th June, 2020

  • Limited numbers
  • Please make a booking
  • Do not arrive un announced
  • Contact Ramblers for more First Jump Course dates

Learning Curve Camp: Monday 29th June – Friday 3rd July, 2020

  • This LCC is fully booked
  • Do not arrive un announced

General Novice Jumping: Saturday 4th July – Friday 10th July

  • We are limited to 20 people
  • Please make a booking
  • Do not arrive un announced
  • Student, B-Rels, Star Crest and general refresher training

Fully opened to ALL Jumpers starting on: Saturday 11th July, 2020

  • Please make a booking
  • Do not arrive un announced
  • We are limited to 100 people only

Covid-19 Plan – Must Read!

As per Queensland government guidelines, we at Skydive Ramblers are trying to minimize the risk of COVID-19 spread. We ask everyone who intends to come to the Drop Zone that you have adhered to the government recommendations. This includes:

  • Adhering to social distancing rules, eg staying 1.5mtr from each other
  • Not showing any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 – Fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, headache, or loss of taste or smell
  • Haven’t travelled in/out of the country within the last 14 days
  • Not in frequent direct contact with people whom may be at risk of COVID-19 – the elderly

Medical professional who work with COVID-19 patients and are strictly protected whilst at work will be allowed on premises.

Please use common sense during this time. Good hygiene practices include:

  • If you have to cough or sneeze please do so into your arm. If you are frequently cough or sneezing you will asked to leave the premises
  • Please maintain a distance of 1.5mtr from others whenever possible, including packing. Manifest area outside now has 1.5mtr markers on the ground, please adhere to them
  • Whilst dirt diving have measures in place to insure that everyone in your group is comfortable
  • DON’T do practice jumps with hand contact (if possible)
  • No more than 3 people will be allowed inside manifest at any one time. (Excludes manifest staff). Please adhere to this
  • Manifest now has protective barriers in place to limit probability of transmissions
  • Limit cash transaction. Buy tickets online – 24hr processing time
  • Please resist in showing affection to others: hugs, handshakes, high fives, fist bumps etc.
  • Please refrain from congregating in large groups on the ground when possible, please keep 1.5mtr between people
  • De-brief in small groups outdoors when possible. The Cave will be available for larger groups on request
  • Wash you hands with soap and water before and after every jump
  • New COVID-19 signage has been placed around the Dropzone – read them!

Skydive Ramblers will have hand disinfectant available to use, but please supply your own sanitation items, facial coverings; disinfectant wipes etc to ensure you have it when you need it.

We do NOT want to become the hygiene police, but we do ask that everyone have even better hygiene practices throughout this time to limit the spread of COVID-19.


  • Bookings essential – minimal numbers of jumpers allowed during Stage 2
  • Please sign the DZ COVID-19 wavier at manifest
  • Hand sanitizer will be available at manifest

Face Mask – Not compulsory when onsite, but we do recommend wearing one inside the aircraft. To be removed/stowed/secured when on jump run, before exit.
Gloves – Not compulsory, but recommended.
Fullface Helmet – Not compulsory, but highly recommended.
Talking –To minimize the transmission of spreading the virus, please only speak if necessary when inside the aircraft.
High Fives/Fist bumps – DON’T do it…This is the easiest way to spread COVID-19. Even if you are wearing gloves.

Manifest will be spray and disinfected periodically throughout the day. Please be considerate to the manifest staff during this time. Commonly touched surfaces eg, tables, chair, door handles will be sprayed and disinfected at the start/end of each day. The aircraft will be sprayed and disinfected at the start and end of each day. If possible spraying during shutdowns. Toilets/shower will be sprayed and disinfected daily. All accommodation buildings (not privately owned/rented) will be sprayed and disinfected during the normal cleaning process.

Please note that even with all our guidelines and safety measures in place, it is still not guaranteed that you won’t be exposed to the virus. By attending our premises you are doing so at your own risk and assume responsibility to the exposure and risk of contracting COVID-19. Skydive Ramblers cannot guarantee your protection against COVID-19. If you do not accept the associated risks involved please do not participate in any skydiving activities.

Any person(s) to stay at home if they are sick, and to go home immediately if they become unwell. Skydive Ramblers will require you to be tested for COVID-19 if you have any symptoms of acute respiratory disease (cough, sore throat, shortness of breath) or a fever or history of fever. You must remain in isolation at home till you get the result and it is negative for COVID-19.

If you discover you have tested positive to COVID-19 within the last 14 days of your arrival at the drop zone please notify us immediately. We will then start the procedure of notifying everyone that you were in contact with during this period. Your details will remain confidently and not be released, unless required by a government department.

The experience was amazing, Oli Adrian and Sara were really nice.  I keep re-watching the video over and over again, this will be a favourite memory for a life time. Can't wait to do it again. 

“favourite memory for a life time” – by Selina

Skydive Ramblers Newsletter