Skydive Ramblers e-News #427 – Life in Lockdown (24 March – 22 April 2020)

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Tuesday 24th March – Skydive Ramblers was CLOSED (temporarily). For the first time in 40 years we had to shut our door due to COVID-19. It was definitely a sad day.

Since then the Dropzone has never looked better, the mockup has had a touch of paint and also 3 new seating logs were placed around the area. Drewy has made a veggie garden with its very own rabbit and kangaroo proof fence, can’t wait until we can eat the veggies.

So now what?……We have to wait until the government eases it’s restrictions on social gathering and social distancing. In the meantime we are trying to work out how to get at least one person up in the plane.. and it looks promising, fingers crossed.

Just remember everyone that the DZ is shut and no one is allowed onsite. If you do need to come please contact the office and we will try and arrange something for you. No visits, No drive by, No parties and No social gathering are allowed. The bar is also CLOSED!

Check out the photo’s below. Taken from our Skydive Ramblers Facebook Page.


 Jag – Made her first outdoor fire
Robin – Won Ramblers Trivia
Drewy – Won Poker Night

We’ll get there. See ya,

Sara and Macca and our  Ramblers Team in waiting.

Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and review us on Google or Trip Advisor!

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First skydiving experience and it couldn’t have been better, I had the time of my life and felt so safe throughout the whole tandem. A very welcoming space and awesome people.

“the time of my life” – by Ninji Newcombe

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