⭐️Jason Mitchell Colless, ⭐️Kristan Lee Fischer, ⭐️Greg Neville White.
⭐️Giovanni Pitzalis, ⭐️David Hedley.
⭐️David Hedley, ⭐️Todd Anthony Dowsley
⭐️David Hedley
⭐️Ashley Robinson
⭐️Zhi Jun (Jag) Wei, ⭐️Reagan Kennedy, ⭐️Jayden Michael Woods, ⭐️Todd Anthony Dowsley.
⭐️Zhi Jun (Jag) Wei
Monday 12th – Tandems today were Demi Lana Giroussis, Jonathan Garry and Maria Testa.
Student Gabriel Gorza did Stages 6 & 7 of his AFF Course and Stuart Law did Stages 7 & 8.
Tuesday 13th – Gabriel Gorza did Stages 8 & 9 of his AFF Course – completing his AFF!
Wednesday 14th – was very quiet.
Thursday 15th – Student Megan Morgan did Stages 8 & 9 of his AFF Course – completing her AFF. Congratulations!
Friday 16th was very quiet. Mark did his B-Rel 1, Mark did B-Rel 3, and Charmaine, Nellie, Georgina, Johnny, and Ollie went for a track with Sara.
Tandems Saturday 17th were Archie Moore, Emma Nielsen, Nakeyta Randell, Brendan Gannaway and ArdenKruysmulder Forsyth.
New students Eric Aitken and Jack Sheehan did Stage 1 of their AFF Courses. Samuel Bulla did Stages 2 & 3, and Jack Michael did Stages 4, 5 & 6.
Sunday 18th – Tandems today were Storme Heywood, Bruno Vuletic and Jakob Vuletic.
Student Jack Sheehan did Stage 2 of his AFF Course, Eric Aitken did Stages 2 & 3, Trevor Weis did Stages 3 & 4, Jean Pierre De La Vega did Stages 5 & 6 and Guilherme Rodiques Pinto did Stage 6 of his AFF Course, Janarri Price did Stage 6 of her AFF Course.
Thanks guys was an absolute amazing experience my daughter and I loved it we both will be back again for a second tandem jump in the future a special thanks to Anna and my camera man awesome job guys you both made me feel very safe I highly recommend ramblers skydiving too anybody wishing to experience a skydive.