Rambling On ⭐️ Newsletter #646 (20-26 January 2025)

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Achievements & Congratulations

⭐️ Christopher – Completed AFF
⭐️ Darren – Completed AFF

⭐️ Toddy – 2000th Jump Milestone

Drop Zone Action

A wonderful start to the week. The weather was awesome but very hot, it reached 39 degrees on one of the days. Towards the middle of the week the northerly winds came with the heat, stopping a few loads from going.

Over the weekend we saw Matt run the Vertical Decent #6 camp, great turnout and a lot of fun jumpers increased their skill set over these three days.

BIG shout out to these people for jumping with us: Our newest First Jump Course students were Alan & Sebastien, who both did Stage 1, and Daan & Peter, who completed their Stages 1 and 2. Our Ongoing students were: Sam – Stage 6, and Kev – Stage 8. Darren – Stages 7-9, and Christopher – Stages 8-9 both finished their AFF Course – congratulations! Ilyes did a Refresher jump, and B-Rel jumps were done by Reece (x3), Shakira (x2), Ashton, Jorden, and Ellie. Good on you all.

Welcome to the skies to our Tandem jumpers of the week: David, Nicole, Taylor, Robert, Ross, Ciaran, Mario, Jose, Adam, Elizabeth, Angus, Oscar, Jeff, and Lavinia. Well done to you all!

Need a jump buddy?

And if you have finished your training and you are looking for someone to jump with, let manifest know and they will put you in contact with our Load Energiser, who will either jump with you, or match you up with a jump buddy. No charge. All you pay for is your own jump slot.

Photo Gallery

Vertical Descent 6

“Vertical Descent 6 was held at Skydive Ramblers last weekend on January 24,25,26. This was our first 3 day event and the first to cater to both Head Up and Head Down static flyers in 2 seperate groups.

Low clouds delayed us slightly on day 1 and more so on day 3 so we dirt dived some bigger formations in both orientations and debriefed some videos giving participants the chance to learn how bigger jumps were engineered. Coaches Matt Thomas and Dave Schlatter took 10 participants to the sky and Safe, Fun, Progressive jumps were had by all. We completed 11 jumps over the 3 days and saw some epic progression from the participants and some awesome formations were built. Outside cameramen Matt Smith and John Hannan captured some great footage that will be seen on the VD6 event edit released soon.

Special thanks to all of the participants, outside camera flyers and coaches. Skydive Ramblers and all of the team, SQPC and TSC for their continued support! It would not be possible without you all! THANK YOU !!!!”

Matt Thomas

See ya,

Macca and Team Ramblers.

Reviews & Visitor Book Comments

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Deb: “OMG – Simply the Best Adrenaline rush. Thanks Robin – absolute Legend XX 😊”


Upcoming Events 2025

DZ Flashback – Blast From The Past

Click on the album below for historical photos.

And visit our Ramblers history webpage for more info…

Did my first tandem jump at Ramblers and one week later was back starting my AFF course. Awesome place and excellent people :))

“excellent people” – by Jess Reeves

Skydive Ramblers Newsletter