Rambling On ⭐️ Newsletter #645 (13-19 January 2025)

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Achievements & Congratulations

⭐️ Dylan – Completed AFF

Drop Zone Action

WooHoo another great week of jumping out of planes. The week started off with a few ongoing students continuing through their AFF courses. The 182 is back and in full swing taking jumpers for Hop ‘n’ Pops and to height (10K) when the caravan cannot be filled.

Funtastic Friday was on again, big shout out to Josh for organising these Friday’s and coaching fun jumpers along the way. The weekend started off beautiful on Saturday, however Sunday was a tad bit windy, so no loads took to the skies that day.

Peter started his First Jump Course, and our ongoing students were Celine with TAFF 2, David AFF Stage 4, Darren Stages 4-6, Andrew Stages 6-7, Angus Stages 6-8, Jack Stages 7-8, and Dylan did his Stages 7-9, completing his AFF Course. Congratulations to all!

Simon and Ilyes did refreshers, while Clint and Shakira worked on their B-Rels.

Welcome to the skies to our Tandem jumpers Heath, Meg, Lucy, Drew, and Shyne.

Need a jump buddy?

And if you have finished your training and you are looking for someone to jump with, let manifest know and they will put you in contact with our Load Energiser, who will either jump with you, or match you up with a jump buddy. No charge. All you pay for is your own jump slot.

Funtastic Friday – 17th Jan. 2025

Big thanks to Josh for organising ‘Funtastic Friday”, it was another successful day, and thanks to the chef who slaved over the BBQ cooking the sausage sizzle.

See ya,

Macca and Team Ramblers.

Vacancy: DZ Caretaker

Ramblers Parachute Drop Zone at Toogoolawah has an opportunity for a retired skydiver to live at the DZ and take on the 
Caretaker / Cleaner responsibilities. On-site drop zone accommodation can be supplied.

If interested please contact the DZ manifest for details. Phone 07 5423 1159 or email to skydive@ramblers.com.au

Reviews & Visitor Book Comments


Lucy: “…Fun. Felt safe with Robin & the view was mesmerising. Thank u…”

Tristan: “Not only was the jump amazing, the atmosphere was so welcoming and fun. 10/10 highly recommend!!”


Upcoming Events 2025

DZ Flashback – Blast From The Past

Click on the album below for historical photos.

And visit our Ramblers history webpage for more info…

We spent eight days at Skydive Ramblers and had great time. Awesome DZ, awesome friendly staff, great airplane and facilities. Accommodation on premises was great and very reasonably priced. We also enjoyed after jumping socialising at the bar on DZ and great food both at DZ and in nearby Toogoolawah town. Skydive Ramblers are wingsuit friendly and there is plenty of landing space around DZ.
Highlight of our trip was incredible kangaroo action at landing area - we did literally land on kangaroos and it was great fun :-) There are also wild koalas in the area.

“incredible kangaroo action” – by Alexander Safonov

Skydive Ramblers Newsletter