Rambling On ⭐️ Newsletter #637 (18-24 Nov. 2024)

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Achievement & Congratulations

⭐️ Varun – completed AFF

Drop Zone Action

We started off the week with new student Nick who booked in for a Learn To Skydive Course with us, unfortunately the weather gods had other plans, and it decided to rain for the week. Nick did the ground theory and will return the following week, when the weather is better.

Alex and Andrew returned to the skies for a refresher course, welcome back! Saturday, we had a group of new students starting, big welcome to Matt, Jared, Sam and Adam. All the boys smashed out their AFF Stages 1 and 2 on Sunday, and continuing through to next week. Big thanks to Bill for teaching them everything they know.

On-going students for this week were Eloy with Stage 3, and Adam Stages 3 to 5. Keep it up guys, it’s great to see you all in the air. Congrats to Varun for completing his Stages 8 and 9! And Robert, Alexander, Andrew, Dakota, Johan, and Christopher completed two B-Rel jumps each.

Our Tandems taking to the skies were Joanne, Harmony, Barry, Robert and Riley. Big congrats to all.

Need a jump buddy?

And if you have finished your training and you are looking for fun jumpers to jump with, let manifest know and they will put you in contact with our Load Energiser, who will match you up with a jump buddy. No charge. All you pay for is your own jump slot.

See ya,

Macca and Team Ramblers.

Reviews & Visitor Book Comments


“That was the most exciting adrenalin rush I have ever had. It was made so easy by the staff and those who jumped at the same time as I did. Not only did I feel included, but the genuine friendly nature of the people in that plane disolved any nerves I had. What was so invigorating to see, was the eagerness of all to get out of the plane with no hesitation. Now: to the guy who took me as a tandem, Tye, I know this man personally and wanted to jump with him. That never distracted from the professionalism shown and practiced by this Tandem Master. you made it easy and fun and beyong that safe. You are one top notch flier and I will jump again with you should I ever decide to do it again. Thank you so much everyone.”

Barry S.


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Best thrills and chills going, nice people great instructors, I'd recommend you go to Ramblers all day. Very professional.

“Best thrills and chills” – by Benny Canavan

Skydive Ramblers Newsletter