Rambling On ⭐️ Newsletter #631 (7-13 Oct. 2024)

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Achievements & Congratulations

Completed AFF: ⭐️ Michael

Milestones: ⭐️ Robin – 2000 Jumps  ⭐️ Hoff – 500 Jumps – E Licence

Drop Zone Action

Yipee another week of skydiving. We started the week off with the King’s birthday on Monday which saw a few fun jumpers take to the skies. Aaron, Tim, Winston and Alan started their AFF course during the week. Hamish completed a refresher course on Saturday. A big turn out on Saturday for Tandem jumpers, Big congrats to all that took the leap.

Michael was back to finish his AFF Course. New students were Timothy, Winston, and Aaron. Varum did jumps working towards his AFF licence, and B-Rel Coach jumps were done by Glen, Ash, Hamish, Robert. And Nicholas did an observer flight. A big Welcome to the Skies to Eli, Amber, Marc, Regan, Brooke, Timothy, Alexander (x2), Seth, Kai, Leon, Amanda, Stefan, Jesse, Kellie, Samuel, Hayden, Lachlan and Mitchell who did Tandem jumps. Congratulations to all!

Need a jump buddy?

And if you have finished your training and you are looking for someone to jump with, let manifest know and they will put you in contact with our Load Energiser, who will match you up with a jump buddy. No charge. All you pay for is your own jump slot.

See ya,

Macca and Team Ramblers.

Reviews & Visitor Book Comments

⭐️ Amanda – Absolutely wonderful!  Views were stunning, tamed, skydiver made me feel safe & comfortable.  Thank you!
⭐️ Caine – 10/10 would go again
⭐️ Lachlan – epic
⭐️ Samuel – woohoo
⭐️ Hayden – cool experience
⭐️ Stefan – amazing, serene scenery, exciting jump


Upcoming Events

DZ Flashback – Blast From The Past

Click on the album below for historical photos.

And visit our Ramblers history webpage for more info…

"Thank you Skydive Ramblers for providing me with an amazing experience. This was my first tandem skydive. All staff are friendly, professional and highly experienced. The environment felt like being apart of family, so thank you again. Highly recommended..I’ll be back again 🙌"

“professional and highly experienced” – by Anita Moore

Skydive Ramblers Newsletter