Rambling On ⭐️ Newsletter 625 (26 August – 1 September 2024)

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Collect Jump Credit Rewards!

For students on Gear Hire: Bring a friend to do a Tandem jump, and you will be rewarded $30 credit for one free gear hire!

And any jumper bringing two Tandems on the same day, or an AFF Course Package, will receive $55 credit onto their account.

👉 You must contact the Drop Zone office with details BEFORE your friend’s jump to save reward dollar$ off your jump bill!

Need a jump buddy?

And if you have finished your training and you are looking for someone to jump with, let manifest know and they will put you in contact with our Load Energiser, who will match you up with a jump buddy. No charge. All you pay for is your own jump slot.

Drop Zone Action

Ahh.. how is this awesome weather. Blue skies and it was a very warm week. Temperatures reaching 34 degrees. The week started off slowly, but jumping increased by the weekend. We had a couple of students continue their AFF course. Big congrats to Rob for completing his AFF course.

The Indonesian Women’s Accuracy Team enjoyed their last week at Ramblers before leaving overseas for their competition. Good Luck girls. The weekend saw the northly winds pickup, so minimal jumping was done on the Saturday. Those that stayed managed to get 3-4 loads in. Sunday was a great jumping day, still northly winds but not as strong. New student Scott managed to get his Intro package completed.

We ran a First Jump Course – Jason and Scott started their AFF courses and Daniel doing a refresher course. Students Curtis and Diane returned for AFF 4 for Curtis and AFF 6 for Diana. B-Rel Coach jumps were done by Murray and Daniel. And Amy, Dean, Michael, Pedro and Rohan did a Tandem jumps. Congratulations to all!

Achievement & Congratulations

⭐️ Rob – Completed AFF

See ya,

Macca and Team Ramblers.

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DZ Flashback – Blast From The Past

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Reviews & Visitor Book Comments



Wow.......you guys really know your stuff. Professional with a Capital P....all the staff genuinely WANT to be there, no shortcuts to compromise safety at the same time making "us mortals" feel 100% safe.

“no shortcuts to compromise safety” – by Roger Morrison

Skydive Ramblers Newsletter