⭐️ If you are new to the Sport of Skydiving, check with Manifest and Instructors at the Drop Zone and find out what discounts are on offer. If you are a Student or Novice skydiver, make sure you find out what you are entitled to with rebates from the APF and rebates from the SQPC.
Achievements & Congratulations
⭐️ Cass – A-Certificate ⭐️ Adam – 500th Jump ⭐️ Alex – 100th Jump
Rambling On
MONDAY 22nd January
Great start to another skydiving week with 5 new students starting a skydiving course. Big welcome to Alex O’B., ReeceT., Brendan B., Daniel K. and Scott P.. All students spent the day in the classroom and completed Stage 1 that afternoon. Other students for the day were Marcus D. AFF Stages 4 and 5. Cassandra W. completed B-Rel Stage 1 with Bibi and Jaega B. did B-Rel Stage 4 with Toddy.
No jumping today. The clouds rolled and decided to stay all day.
The clouds blew away during the night and we woke up to beautiful skydiving weather. Reece completed Stage 2, 3 and 4. Alex completed Stage 1, 2 and 3. Brendan completed Stage 2, 3 and 4.
Another great day for skydiving. 2 new student and 3 refreshers started in the classroom today. Hunter M. and Regis F. completed stage 1 in the afternoon. Riyane M. and Robbie W. competed their refresher jumps. We also had TandemsJessica P., Jon J. and Leigh U. join us in a skydive today.
FRIDAY 26th January
The weather was started okay but clouds started rolling in after lunch and the humidity was super high, but we still managed to jump. Another 2 new students started in the classroom today, Chris McD. and Z. Li both completed stage 1 in the afternoon. Robbie was back for AFF Stage 5. Martin and Matthew started their B-Rel with Bibi and Toddy.
SATURDAY 27th January
It was a great turn out today despite the high temperatures and the humidity. 17 loads took to the skies. The Tandem for today was Rebecka F., welcome to skydiving. Robbie completed AFF Stages 5 and 6. Chris Completed AFF 2, 3 and 4. Woody was out and completed AFF Stage 2. B-Rel students for today were Idan F., and Martin M. who both completed B-Rel Stages 1-4, Josh L. B-Rel 2 and Matthew M. B-Rels 1-3.
Belly Bash was in full swing, thanks to Chris and Dawn for organised the formation loads (Photo’s below).
The TSC held their Club Chrismas dinner and it was a delicious meal. It was a great day and a great night with medal presentations from State Comps and TSC 1000th Jump Club mugs presented to several Club members.
Belly Bash
“Saturday’s BellyBash was HOT in so many ways! Massive thanks to all you absolute legends for embracing the 38 degrees and making it such an epic day of formation loads! We started out by launching 6-way formations from the two aircraft, then moving on to some dynamic 9-ways, and finishing the day with a bombastic 2-point 18-way!!
Huge shout out to Steve Fitch, David Brown and Jason Cambieras for the awesome video footage and stills, thanks to Ben Nordkamp for assisting with the formation logistics, and as ever to Skydive Ramblers, Toogoolawah Skydivers Club Inc, and Mee Loft for supporting these events and making them possible!!
See you in Feb for the next one!”
Chris Dodds.
Attendees: Chris Dodds & Dawn Adams, Greg M., Millie S., Wayne G.,Jade C., Aaron B., Holly A., Rab McC., Doug M., Adrian B., Stephen B., Cat B., David B., Alex C., Scott F., Steve F., Monica F., Luke M. Nelson McC., Tim R., Denzil S., Sherry B., David B., Tim B., Greg C., Jason C., Marcee H., Adam H., Jeff J., Martin K., Jason C., and Farrell McK..
The DZ today was a wash out, literally. It didn’t stop raining all day. Everyone decided to pack up and leave. Thanks for the great week everyone. The next week is looking a bit wet with the cyclone up north, fingers crossed the weather comes good soon.
⭐️ If you are new to the Sport of Skydiving, the Ramblers Learning Curve Camps are a great way to get lots of jumps in at the cheapest rate. Check with Manifest and Instructors at the Drop Zone and find out what discounts are on offer and what you can get reimbursed from the APF and the SQPC.
⭐️ If you are a Student or Novice skydiver, make sure you find out what you are entitled to with rebates from the APF and rebates from the SQPC.
⭐️ Have you heard about our “Ramblers Rewards“? If you introduce someone to the sport, you are eligible for discounts on equipment hire and even free jumps.