⭐️ Have you heard about our “Ramblers Rewards“? If you introduce someone to the sport, you are eligible for discounts on equipment hire and even free jumps. For more information contact the Drop Zone or phone us 07 5423 1159.
The weather was still a factor. There were 35 fun jumpers here and we only managed 5 loads. Our Tandems today were Margot A., and Sophia P.. New AFF students Andrew B., Marcus D., Dakota E. and Jay C. did TAFF Stage 1. Cassandra did AFF Stages 6, 7 & 8. Congratulations to Matthew McK. did Stage 9 – completing his AFF Course. Kyle did a B-Rel Coach jump.
Yahoo! The weather was great! And the 69 fun jumpers here did the 14 loads that were completed. Our Tandems today were Lachlan C. and Warren K.. AFF students Dakota & Jay did Stages 2 & 3, Cameron O’C. did Stage 3, Marcus did Stages 2, 3, and 4, and Cassandra and Olenka R. did Stage 9 – completing their AFF Courses. Congratulations! Connor and Cassandra did 2 B-Rel Coach jumps each and Olenka did one. Great way to end the week.
⭐️ If you are new to the Sport of Skydiving, the Ramblers Learning Curve Camps are a great way to get lots of jumps in at the cheapest rate. Check with Manifest and Instructors at the Drop Zone and find out what discounts are on offer and what you can get reimbursed from the APF and the SQPC.
⭐️ If you are a Student or Novice skydiver, make sure you find out what you are entitled to with rebates from the APF and rebates from the SQPC.
⭐️ Have you heard about our “Ramblers Rewards“? If you introduce someone to the sport, you are eligible for discounts on equipment hire and even free jumps.