We were off to a good start for the new year of 2024 with two new students Mitchell A. and Mathew McK. starting their AFF training. However rain interrupted play.
Weather was better. Mitchell and Mathew did Stages 1, 2 & 3. There were 34 fun jumpers here and 5 loads were done.
Our Tandems today were Antonio Da C., Samuel E., Joel H., Isaac K., Flynn McL., and Aimie P.. Four new AFF students Daniel C., Bailey G., Scott M. and Alexander P. did TAFF Stage 1. Bayley O’K. did Stage 9 – completing his AFF Course.
Antonio tandem exit – photo AdrianIsaac tandem – photo AgwaFlynn tandem freefall – photo AdrianDaniel TAFF Stage 1– photo AgwaAlex TAFF Stage 1 – photo AgwaMitch TAFF Stage 1 – photo AgwaMitch AFF Stage 3 – photo Bibi
40 fun jumpers were here and 9 loads done!! Our Tandems were Greg B., Dannielle B., Noah C., Elijah F. and Abbie T..
AFF students Scott M. did Stages 2 & 3, Alexander P., Daniel C. and Bailey G. did Stages 2, 3 & 4, and Matthew. and Mitchell did Stages 4, 5, & 6. Jacinta F. did a B-Rel Coach jump today.
21 fun jumpers got 3 loads done. And our Tandems today were Jaye A. and Mark H.. Plus AFF students Cameron O’C. did Stage 2, Alexander and Bailey did Stages 5 & 6, Daniel did Stages 5, 6 & 7 and Mitchell and Matthew did Stages 7 & 8.
Mark Tandem – photo AdrianAlex AFF Stage 5 – photo Adrian
Bad weather. No Skydiving.
46 fun jumpers did the 9 loads that were completed. Our Tandems today were Ilona B., Sushan D., and Darryl,Sarah and Scott F..
AFF students , Bailey and Alexander did Stages 7, 8 & 9, and Daniel did Stage 9 – completing their AFAFFF Courses, our first for the New Year – Congratlations! Helen H. did 2 B-Rel Coach jumps today and Alex S. and Andrew R. did one each.
Our first week was a great start to the new year.
Alex AFF Stage 8 – photo WayneBailey AFF Stage 8 – photo WayneBeau Jumping his NEW rig – photo SusieDarryl Tandem – photo TyFelipe’s 100th Jump – photo SusieFelipe’s 100th – photo SusieHellen B-Rel 4 – photo ReeceIlona Tandem – photo TyNick ‘ Back in the Air’ – photo SusieSarah Tandem – photo ReeceSusha Tandem – photo Anna
Most amazing experience. Staff are all professional, very safety oriented but make the entire time you are there so much fun. First time jumper and we did it at night during their equinox boogie and the atmosphere was brilliant. Highly recommend to anyone wanting to experience an amazing jump.