⭐️ Matt B., ⭐️ Mark M., ⭐️ Beau K., ⭐️ Sherry B. – Star Crest
⭐️ Mikey McC. – C-Certificate
The week started with 78 fun jumpers here and 3 loads were done. New AFF student Michelle W. did AFF Stage 2, Shams M. did Stage 6, Martin M. did Stages 6 & 7, Idan F. did Stage 7, Ashton H. did Stages 7 & 8, and Bayley O’K did Stages 6, 7 & 8.
Again there were 17 fun jumpers here and again 3 loads were done. Our Tandem today was Kanasta A. New AFF student Michelle W. did Stages 2 & 3, & Shams did Stage 6. Idan F. & Martin M. did Stages 8 & 9; & Ashton H. & Gloria did Stage 9 – completing their AFF Courses! Congratulations!
There were 17 fun jumpers here and again 3 loads were done. New AFF students Jason S. and Luke McK. did TAFF Stage 1, Michelle W. did Stage 4, & Shams did Stages 7 & 8.
Beautiful weather and 19 fun jumpers got 3 loads done. New AFF stars Jason S., Luke McK did AFF Stages 2, 3, & 4, Idan did Stages 4 & 5, Martin did AFF Stages 4, 5 & 6, and Shams did Stage 9 – completing his AFF Course! Congratulations! Jaega B. did 2 B-Rel Coach jumps today.
On Friday more skydivers arrived. 27 fun jumpers were here and 5 loads were completed. Our Tandems today were Raffael G., Katherine G., Susan M-W.. Student Luke McK did AFF Stages 4, 5 & 6, and Jaide H. did Stages 8 & 9 – completing her AFF Course! Congratulations!
124 fun jumpers were here, and 22 loads got off the ground. Our Tandems today were Tyeus B., Grant A., Kieran A., Gerard B., Mimori C., James D., Leah D, Alex F., Mark G., Sue H., Kumalpreet K., Royce L, Joshua N., Keely-Rose O., Penny R., Kurt S., Adhjshek S. and Andrea Y..
New AFF students Chilli B. & Michael J. did TAFF Stage 1, Luke McK. did AFF Stages 7 & 8, and Olenka did a jump. Bartley McG., Barry O., Eli V. & Patrick Y did B-Rel Coach jumps today. And the Toogoolawah Skydivers Club ran their Star Crest event.
Load Energising with Martin Klapper – Saturday 9th Dec.
TSC Star Crests – Saturday 9th December
“Holy Moly! Could Saturday have been the biggest day of Star Crests, ever!? We had a whopping 7 Starcrestees all eager to get jumps signed off! Good job we had such an immense number of helpers (16!!!) to help make that a reality! We divided into two groups and made a total of 6 jumps between the groups across the day! Massive congratulations to Matt, Mark, Beau and Sherry who managed to get all their jumps signed off and crests completed, Nico for getting two successful jumps, and Denzil for one successful jump!
Huge shout out to all our volunteers who made this possible, with special mention to Stephen Brett for allowing us to hijack his invitationals day (with only minimal arm twisting), and Emily Hatfield for helping out with debriefing in order to keep the loads moving! Massive thanks to Michael, David, Adam and Steve for flying camera for us, and to TSC, SQPC and APF for sponsoring these events!!”
Chris Dodds.
Star Crestees: ⭐️ Nicolas D., ⭐️ Sherry B., ⭐️ Beau K., ⭐️ Jase C., ⭐️ Mark M., ⭐️ Matt B., and ⭐️ Denzil S.,
🙏 Volunteers: Steve B., David B., Adam H., Doug M., Millie S., Fred M., Jeff J., Rab McC., Geovanni N., Paul O., Adrian B., Holly A., Greg M., Ellen & Geoff B., and Martin K..
🎥 Camera: Steve Fitch, Michael Young, and David Brown.
Sunday was windy. 37 fun jumpers were here, but only 3 loads were completed. Our Tandems today were Mithili, Raj, and Meghana P..
An absolute Blast. Totally exhilarating. Sarah, my diving buddy was totally professional and competent. She rehearsed my moves. Gave me an opportunity to bail (which was never going to happen but would have been appreciated by a possible nervous type), was a very good tourist guide on the climb out so fabulous experience all round.
Thanks to everyone there.
Cheers, Carol.
“An absolute Blast. Totally exhilarating” – by Carol Browne