Rambling On ⭐️ Drop Zone Action e-News #580 (2-8 October 2023)

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Hi Newsletter Recipients,

Ramblers DZ needs your feedback. If you can do it please get back to us at  skydive@ramblers.com.au and let us know what you think of the Newsletter. And if you are keen can you please send the Newsletter on to your friends. Ramblers offers “rewards” if you can bring a friend to do a jump, either an AFF or a tandem.

Cheers and happy jumping!

Achievements & Congratulations

⭐️ Dayle L. – Completed AFF
⭐️ Simon H. – Completed AFF 

Monday 2nd October. New students Kingsley did AFF Stage 1, Simon did Stages 5, 6, 7 & 8, and Dayle did AFF Stages 8 & 9 – completing his AFF Course!  Congratulations! JamesJulien did B-Rel Coach jumps. 59 fun jumpers made the 12 loads happen. It was a good start to a fairly quiet week.

Kingsley – First Jump Course – Photo by Bill C.
First Jump Course – Kingsley & Adrian – photo by Bill C.
Dayle tracking AFF Stage 8 – photo Robin
James B-Rel 1 – photo Reece
James B-Rel 2-3 – photo Reece
Julien B-Rel 1 – photo Toddy
Johan 2-way – photo Reece
Deployment – photo Skydive Ramblers

On Tuesday 2 loads were done. Simon did AFF Stages 9 – completing his AFF Course. Well done!  There were only 6 fun jumpers. And that was IT until Friday.

Simon AFF Stage 9 – photo Robin

Wednesday – NO jumping! Thursday NO jumping!

On Friday 19 fun jumpers arrived and 4 loads took to the skies.  Our Tandem today was Mark. New AFF student Joss did Stage 1.

Saturday and 20 fun jumpers were keen but the weather started playing up. Only 2 loads were done.  Will did a B-Rel Coach jump.

Will B-Rel 4 – photo Reece

Sunday wasn’t much better. There were still 20 fun jumpers here and 4 loads went up but that was it. Oh well, the weather is looking better this week.

Tim’s flipping exit – photo Reece

See ya,

Macca and Team Ramblers.

Reviews & Visitor Book Comments

🌟 Ross B.: “Great exp.  Thanks so much to the team.  A tick in the bucket list.”

🌟 Stephen J. & family: “Good afternoon, Thanks for your emails.  I did enjoy myself very much. I don’t really go on social media outlets but have informed my old work colleagues and friends of my wonderful experience with yourselves.
My family and I had a really good time and in fact my eldest son, 1 of my daughters and myself will be jumping at Wollongong in November when we go there.  Also, when my grandkids turn 16 we will make bookings at your centre as they enjoyed watching us have so much fun. Thank you once again. Kind regards, Stephen J. and extended family”


Upcoming Events


DZ Flashback – Blast From The Past

Click on the album below for historical photos.

And visit our Ramblers history webpage for more info…

Awesome bunch of people. Made me feel at home the minute I walked in. Training was everything I had heard and expected. Would highly recommend to anyone interested in skydiving. Thanks a lot Ramblers. Hope to see you all soon.

“Awesome bunch of people” – by Chris Wojtowicz

Skydive Ramblers Newsletter