Rambling On ⭐️ Drop Zone Action e-News #568 (10-16 July 2023)

Tuesday, July 18, 2023


⭐️ Grant – Completed AFF Course
⭐️ Mark – Completed AFF Course
⭐️ Patricio – 100th jump


Monday 10th of July. 8 fun jumpers got onto 4 loads going. Grant did Stage 9 – completing his AFF Course. Congratulations!   Logan and Luke did B-Rel Coach jumps.

Logan B-Rel 1 about to exit – photo Adrian
Logan B-Rel 2 – photo OliM

Tuesday was bad weather and Wednesday was quiet. However the 4 skydivers here got onto 1 load done. Jack was on it and did his AFF Stage 1, Julia did a B-Rel Coach jump with Todd.

Jack TAFF Stage 1 – photo Robin
Julia Refresher – photo Toddy

Thursday was quiet. 4 fun jumpers got onto 2 loads. Our Tandem today was Jessica.

Jess tandem freefall – photo Adrian

Friday 14th was also quiet but the 10 fun jumpers were here for the 3 loads. Our Tandem today was Lucy.  Mark did AFF Stages 8 and 9 – completing his AFF Course.  Another Congratulations!  Oliver did a B-Rel Coach jump.

Lucy tandem freefall – photo OliM
Mark AFF Stage 8 – tracking for dayz – photo Adrian

On Saturday the DZ was covered in fog until about 11.00am.  42 fun jumpers then got stuck into it. 9 loads went up. Our Tandems today were Troy & Maksymillian.

New AFF students Steve, Sean, Sacha and Sameer did TAFF Stage 1.   Reece A. did 2 B-Rel Coach jumps with Reece C.. And Chris Dodds ran the TSC Star Crests event.

Troy tandem – photo Reece
Maks getting ready for his tandem jump – photo Adrian
Steve TAFF Stage 1 – photo Robin
Sasha TAFF Stage 1 – photo Reece
Sameer TAFF Stage 1 – photo Adrian
Reece B-Rel 6.1 – photo Reece
Reece A. B-Rel 6.2 – photo Reece C.

TSC Star Crests with Chris Dodds

“Saturday saw our monthly StarCrest event, but the weather conditions were not kind for big way! Once the thick fog cleared, we had a stubborn layer of cloud right at break off height that refused to budge all morning! Thankfully our patience payed off and  in the mid-afternoon the conditions were perfect for a jump! Congratulations to Chase and Emma for getting another successful jump signed off, and thank you to all our very lovely volunteers for making the jump possible! Shout-out to our awesome sponsors TSC and SQPC!!”

Chris Dodds.

TSC Star Crest – photo Anna
TSC Star Crest – photo by Anna

On Sunday there were still 66 fun jumpers here and 14 loads went up. A bit of everything was happening; team training, wingsuiters, angle jumpers, coaching and funjumping.

Our Tandems today were AndreCassiano, Jordanne, Cameron, Thomas Stephen & Dean, Samantha & Kerrie, Lucy & Henry, Noel, Leslie and Natalie.

Students were also into it. Sameer, Sean, Duane and Steve did Stages 2 & 3, and Sacha did Stages 2, 3 & 4 of their AFF Courses.

And Dominic did a jump with Load Organiser Aaron: “He worked on his exits and levels, excellent jump and lots of froth. 😊”

Andre tandem – photo by Adrian
Jordanne tandem freefall – photo by Adrian
Tom tandem – photo Robin
Stephen tandem – photo Adrian
Sam tandem – photo OliM
Lucy tandem – photo by Adrian
Leslie tandem – photo Adrian
Natalie tandem – photo Robin
Sean AFF Stage 3 – with Ben and Wayne – photo BenN
Duane AFF Stage 3 – photo Chris
Steve AFF Stage 2 – photo BenN
Steve AFF Stage 3 – photo Emily
Sacha AFF Stage 2 – Ben and Wayne – photo BenN
Sacha AFF Stage 3 – photo Chris
Sacha AFF Stage 4 – photo Chris
Dominic – photo Aaron

Bellas training weekend

“The Bellas 4-way skydiving team had a great weekend of training at Ramblers over the weekend.  After the fog cleared they managed to get ten jumps in over the weekend, which gave them plenty of chances to nail some new exits, show off their new helmets and welcome Dawn into the team. Thanks to everyone who helped make the weekend such a success!

xx Bellas xx” (find the Bellas on Facebook, or check their Bellas Instagram.)

Photos by Michael Young.

Bellas training – photo by Michael Young
Bellas training – photo by Michael Young

See ya,

Macca and Team Ramblers.

Reviews & Visitor Book Comments

🌟Jess: “First dive!! INSANE, loved every second.  Thanks guys 😊”
🌟Lucy: “That was sick!”
🌟Dean: “Great thanks!”
🌟Tom: “Unreal.”
🌟Stephen: “Awesome experience”
🌟Cassiano: “I don’t know why I didn’t do it before…. Rock and Roll….”
🌟Lucy + Henry: “An amazing day for the twins – thank you so much”
🌟Kerrie: “Ty you’re one in a million – thank you”
🌟Sam & Jordanne: “Awesome experience – Cheers 😊”


Upcoming Events


DZ Flashback – Blast From The Past

Click on the album below for historical photos.

And visit our Ramblers history webpage for more info…

Hey guys,
Thanks for running the Learning Curve Camp last week! It was run to your usual high standard and was a very beneficial experience, especially given my lack of currency after the main COVID closures. I thoroughly enjoy attending these weeks and really appreciate the time dedicated by the whole team at Ramblers, including the instructors, manifest, cafe team, aviation crew/pilots, and support staff. You are all legends and I look forward to coming out again in the near future. 
Cheers, Adam.

“very beneficial experience” – by Adam Parker (Learning Curve Camp)

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