⭐️ Aidan Phelan – Completed AFF
⭐️ Lachlan Merrick – Completed AFF
⭐️ Len Park – 100 Jumps – Thursday
The TandemMonday 9th was Alyson Lewis. Student Aidan Phelan did Stages 2, 3 & 4 of his AFF Course. Jason Schmidt did jumps towards his B-Certificate.
Tuesday 10th – Shay Allwood did Stages 3 & 4 of her AFF Course and Aidan Phelan did Stages 5, 6 & 7.
Wednesday 11th – The Tandem today was Glenn Collie. Aidan Phelan did Stages 8 & 9 – completing his AFF Course.
Thursday 12th – Aidan Phelan did jumps towards his B-Certificate.
Friday 13th – Lachlan Merrick did Stage 9 – completing his AFF.
Saturday 14th – Tandems today were Joe Longden and Yan Shurunov. New students Peter Foran and Joseph McFadden did Stage 1, and Josh Welch and Kirk Greenland did refresher courses.
Sunday 15th – The Tandem today was Molly Tregear. New student Kurt King did Stage 1 of his AFF Course. Mitchell Cole did Stages 2 & 3, Dan Anderson did Stage 5 and Guilherme Rodigues Pinto did Stage 8 of their AFF Courses.
First skydiving experience and it couldn’t have been better, I had the time of my life and felt so safe throughout the whole tandem. A very welcoming space and awesome people.