Ramblers Drop Zone Action ⭐️ e-News #544 (23-29 Jan. 2023)

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

JasonStar Crest
Pat – Star Crest
Sid LuStar Crest & 100th Jump
ChrisStar Crest
JesseStar Crest

Adam – 300th Jump


Monday 23rd January – 16 fun jumpers skydivers were here and 3 loads were done. AFF student Thomas did AFF Stages 2 & 3, and Jacky did Stages 2, 3 & 4.  A B-Rel Coach jump was done by Brian.

Jacky AFF Stage 3
Jacky AFF Stage 4

Tuesday – Another three loads were done. AFF student Jacky did Stages 4 & 5 , and Thomas did Stages 4, 5 & 6.   And Michael and Francisco did B-Rel Coach jumps. 12 fun jumpers were here.

Jacky AFF Stage 5
Tom AFF Stage 4 – photos by Sara
Tom flying by himself for the first time – photo Robin

Wednesday – we had 13 fun jumpers here and 2 loads got off the ground.   AFF student Scott did Stage 4, and Thomas did Stages 6 & 7.  3 B-Rel Coach jumps were done by Michael, Francisco and Bradleigh.

Scott AFF Stage 4 – photo Sara
Tom AFF Stage 6
Tom AFF Stage 7 – photos by Robin
Michael AFF Stage 4 – photo Sara

Thursday – Australia Day – 27 fun jumpers were here for it we got 14 loads done. 13 Tandems were done by Tomas, Kristen, Tsz Yui, Mathew, Talita, Jacob, Joshua, Jacinta, Charlii, Stephen, Kane, Sui Ting,  and Cooper.

New AFF students Phillip & Gloria did TAFF Stage 1, Jacky did Stages 5 & 6, and Scott did Stages 5, 6 & 7 – of his AFF Course. 5 B-Rel Coach jumps were done by Bradleigh (x2), Johan, Michael and Emma.

Talita tandem freefall – photo Adrian
Charlii tandem – photo Andy
Kane tandem – photo Andy
Gloria TAFF Stage 1 – photo Andy
Jacky AFF Stage 5
Jacky AFF Stage 6 – photos by BenN
Scott AFF Stage 6
Scott tracking AFF Stage 7 – photos by Weaver
Brad B-Rel 2 & 3 – photo Shelby

Friday 27th – there were 33 fun jumpers over 27 loads. Our Tandems today were Ashleigh and Peter.

AFF student Jacky did Stages 7 & 8.  4 B-Rel Coach jumps were done by Emma (x2), Justin and Keith.

Ashleigh tandem
Peter tandem – photos by Adrian
Jacky AFF Stage 7
Jacky AFF Stage 8 – photo BenN
Graham helping Keith out on his B-Rel 5 – photo Robin

Saturday 28th – there were 65 fun jumpers here and 12 loads were done.  Our Tandem today was Chris.

New AFF students today Matt, Jack, Rhys, Melissa, and Matthew did TAFF Stage and Russell did Stage 7 of his AFF Course.  7 B-Rel Coach jumps were done by Sam, Aidan, Graham, Morgan, Michael, Kahl and Jacky.

And Bibi organised the TSC Star Crest jumps.

Matt TAFF Stage 1 – photo Sara
Jack TAFF Stage 1
Rhys TAFF Stage 1 – photos by Adrian
Aidan fun jump – photo by Aaron Fels: “After rather impressively recovering from an accidental gainer exit Aiden was working on levels whilst completing forward/back/360 movement with a decent track and 4m accuracy landing to finish the jump.”
Andres 2-way flat fun jump – photo by Aaron Fels: “For the afternoon Andres planned a fun flat jump for us both which he blitzed through with enough time to throw some shakas 🤙and enjoy the view before a solid break off.”
Kahl 2-way flat fun jump – photo by Aaron Fels: “You wouldn’t have known Kahl had several months off after a super smooth exit we worked on some docks and levels, awesome jump!”
Jacky coach jump backloop – photo BenN

TSC Star Crests with Bibi

“Today it was the first TSC Starcrest event I organised! I signed off 5 people JasonPat, Sid Lu (happy 100th), Chris, and Jesse who smashed out all 3 of their starcrest jumps in one day! Thanks to Adam Harmey (happy 300th), JiaDaniel Mark,TravisGreg and Ty for helping us out the all day.. the storm didn’t stop us! I had so much fun and i can’t wait for the next one! Thanks Valérie, Karen, Kristina, Emily, and Leah for being always by my side.”

Thanks to all supporters: Skydive Ramblers, Toogoolawah Skydivers Club, Australian Parachute Federation, and the Queensland Parachuting Association / SQPC.

Starcrest load – photo by Cambo
Starcrest exit – photo by Adam
Starcrest formation – photo by Adam
Starcrest – photo by Miss Lee
Miss Lee during Starcrest – photo by Cambo

Sunday 29th – was a little quieter. There were 48 fun jumpers here for the 10 loads.   4 Tandems were done by Jamie, Gabrielle, Julienne and Ben.

New AFF students and Phillip, Rhys, Melissa and Gloria did Stages 2 & 3; and  Joshua did Stage 7, and  Sarah did Stages 7 & 8.  3 B-Rel Coach jumps were done by Justin (x2) and Kris.

Jamie tandem – photo Sara
Gabrielle tandem – photo Adrian
Phil AFF Stage 3 – photo Sara
Rhys and Mel ready for AFF Stage 2 – photo Sara
Rhys AFF Stage 3 – photo Adrian
Mel AFF Stage 3 – photo Sara
Joshua AFF Stage 7
Sarah AFF Stage 7
Sarah AFF Stage 8 exit – photos by BenN

See ya,

Macca and Team Ramblers.

Reviews & Visitor Book Comments

 Kristen”Absolutely AMAZING!  Ty was awesome to tandem with & it was all round incredible.”. 
 Cooper: ”Was the best – will happily come back when ever I can.” 
 Tomas: ”Thank you.  It was Amazing.” 
 Ashleigh: ”Thank you so much.  Adrian was amazing to jump with. 😊.” 


DZ Flashback – Blast From The Past

Click on the album below for historical photos.

And visit our Ramblers history webpage for more info…

They helped me overcome all my fears! It was INCREDIBLE!

So last week I did a tandem jump!!!!! Was such a mad time! 🤯🤪🤩😮🤗 I've never wanted to skydive before but was asked to do it for work, so I really quite nervous. But the team at Ramblers Toogoolawah were so professional and cool that they made it such an undeniably EPIC and INCREDIBLE experience! Would even do it again! Highly recommend jumping there.

“undeniably EPIC and INCREDIBLE” – by Briana Goodchild – Channel 9 Today Show

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