Ramblers Drop Zone Action ⭐️ e-News #539 (5-18 Dec. 2022)

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

 Nathan – Completed AFF
 Harry – Completed AFF
 Dylan – Completed AFF
 Joshua – Completed AFF
 Shad – Completed AFF
 Daniel – Completed AFF

 Nelson – C Licence

 Daniel – 100th Jump
 Isaac – 200th Jump
 Cambo – 300th Jump

Monday 5th December – we had 26 fun jumpers here and 8 loads got off the ground. Our Tandem today was Robert. AFF students Nathan, Dylan, JakeJoshua and Shad did TAFF Stage 1, and Sarah did Stages 4 & 5,  with 1 B-Rel Coach jump by Sherry.

Nathan AFF Stage 4 – Photo by Sara

Tuesday – 29 fun jumpers were here and 10 loads got off the ground. Our Tandem today was Franziska. AFF students Nathan, Dylan, Joshua and Shad did Stage 2, while Jake did Stages 2 & 3, with 3 B-Rel Coach jumps by Jackson, George and Arno.

Wednesday – 24 fun jumpers and 5 loads got off the ground. AFF students Nathan, Dylan, Jake, Joshua and Shad did Stages 3 & 4, and 3 B-Rel Coach jumps were done by Jackson and Arno (x2).

Josh AFF Stage 4 – photo by Sara

On Thursday – we had 10 fun jumpers here and 3 loads got off the ground. AFF student Dylan did Stage 5, while  Nathan, Joshua and Shad did AFF Stages 5 & 6, while Arno did 2 B-Rel Coach jumps and Neil got into his B-Rel 5 with Todd.

Dylan AFF Stage 5
Josh AFF Stage 5
Josh AFF Stage 6
Shad AFF Stage 6 – photos by Adrian

Friday – we had 32 fun jumpers here and 6 loads got off the ground. AFF students Harry did Stages 4 & 5,  Dylan did Stages 6 & 7, while Nathan, Joshua and Shad did Stages 7 & 8, with 2 B-Rel Coach jumps by Nicolas.

Harry AFF Stage 4
Harry AFF Stage 5 – photos by Adrian

Saturday – 61 fun jumpers were at the DZ and 11 loads got off the ground, with a B-Rel Coach jump by Mark. Our Tandems today were Todd, John, Solidea, Zoe, Jessica, Ramona, Marten, Alexandra, Sebastian, Timothy, Michelle, and Aaron.  New AFF student Robert did TAFF Stage 1, AFF students Harry did Stage 6,  Dylan did Stage 8, while Nathan did Stage 9 – completing his AFF Course, Congratulations! 🎉

Jess tandem freefall
Solidea tandem freefall
Aaron tandem freefall
Harry AFF Stage 6 – photos by Adrian

On Sunday 11th – 68 fun jumpers did get 14 loads got off the ground, with some B-Rel Coach jumps by Chase, Thwai, Miss Lee, Mark and Neil. AFF student Robert did Stages 2 & 3, Daniel did Stages 5, 6 & 7, Dylan did Stage 9, and Harry did Stages 7, 8 & 9 – completing their AFF Courses, Congratulations! 🎉

Chase B-Rel 6.2 – photo Skydive Ramblers

Photo Gallery 📸 Sunday 11th Dec. – by Aaron Fels

Click on the feature image below to go to the gallery. 🙏 Thanks to Aaron for his contribution!

Sunday 11th Dec. 2022 – Ground photos by Aaron Fels

Week of 12-18th December

Monday 12th December – another Learning Curve Camp was underway with 33 fun jumpers here and 5 loads got off the ground. Archie’s new AFF student Russell did TAFF Stage 1, and we had 1 B-Rel Coach jump by Chase.

Tuesday – 40 fun jumpers did get 8 loads off the ground, with a Tandem by Roy and a coach jump by Neil. AFF student Russell did Stages 2, 3 & 4, while Robert did Stages 4 & 5, and Joshua and Shad did AFF Stage 9 – completing their AFF Courses, Congratulations! 🎉

Wednesday – we had 30 fun jumpers here and 5 loads got off the ground, with 2 B-Rel Coach jumps by Dylan, and AFF student Russell doing Stages 4 & 5.

Thursday – 55 fun jumpers attended Sara’s Canopy Course, and 14 loads got off the ground. AFF student Russell did Stages 5 & 6, and Daniel did Stages 8 & 9 – completing his AFF Course. Congratulations!  🎉  6 B-Rel Coach jumps were done by John-Rima, Rawiri (x2), Dylan (x2) and Neil.

Canopy Piloting Course with Sara

Bring On Those PLRs
Some PLR Practice with Alex
All together now…
Emplaning with Arno
Boarding Cameron
Sabine Is Away
Plane skydivers
And Merry Xmas To You Sam and Reece
Upside Down Alex Fun
With All Her Heart – Cat
Out with Sabine
Very Pretty Cameron
Touchdown with Cat
Sam Landing – photos by Skydive Ramblers

Friday – we had 40 fun jumpers here and 10 loads got off the ground. Lindsey (x2), Emma (x2), Dylan and Daniel did B-Rel Coach jumps.

Saturday 17th – we had 76 fun jumpers here and 16 loads got off the ground. Our Tandems today were Darcey, Dana, Joanna, Todd, Kaisin, Dianne, JeanetteKyan Kristy, and Cassandra. New AFF students Harrison, Asier and Ethan did TAFF Stage 1, with 7 B-Rel Coach jumps by Jason (x2), Jasmyne (x2), Ella (x2) and Morgan.

Asier TAFF Stage 1
Kyan loving his tandem – photos by Sara

On Sunday – 52 fun jumpers were at the DZ and 11 loads got off the ground. Student Harrison did AFF Stage 2, and Ethan did Stages 2, 3 & 4,  with 2 B-Rel Coachs jumps done by Neil.

Ethan and Harrison ready for AFF Stage 2
Ethan AFF Stage 3 – photos by Sara

Photos of Sat. 17th & Sun. 18th December 📸 – Ground photos by Aaron Fels & Declan Brownlee

Click on the feature image below to go to the gallery. 🙏 Thanks to Aaron and Declan for their contribution!

Weekend of 17-18 Dec. 2022 – Photos by Aaron Fels & Declan Brownlee

See ya,

Macca and Team Ramblers.

Reviews & Visitor Book Comments

 Sebastian”Absolutely loved it.  First jump and coming again.”
 Alexandra”Thanks for getting me to jump out of a plane.  Love it!!.”
 Tim”Absolutely awesome day thanks guys for a great jump.”
 Michelle and Marten”It was one of the most amazing experiences we’ve ever been through..  Magical, thrilling, it makes you feel alive.  Thanks to Marc and Robin
 Roy”Great instruction.  Awesome jump.”
 Darcy”Most amazing experience.  Oli made me laugh – best time ever!”
 Dana”Amazing and surreal!! Robin was a great instructor and made me feel relaxed the whole time!  Unforgettable experience.”
 Shaun”I SURVIVED😊 .”
 Kyan”Will definitely be back.  Was very peaceful being up there.  Merry Xmas..”


DZ Flashback – Blast From The Past

Click on the album below for historical photos.

And visit our Ramblers history webpage for more info…

Wow.......you guys really know your stuff. Professional with a Capital P....all the staff genuinely WANT to be there, no shortcuts to compromise safety at the same time making "us mortals" feel 100% safe.

“no shortcuts to compromise safety” – by Roger Morrison

Skydive Ramblers Newsletter