Monday 22nd August – 2 loads were done to start the week off. There were 12 fun jumpers here including coach jumps by David M, and Adrian S.
On Tuesday it was a bit the same. There were 2 loads done by the 13 skydivers here. Cameron C did AFF Stages 7 & 8. David M did 2 more B-Rel Coach jumps.
Wednesday was quiet. On Thursday we did 6 loads with the 6 skydivers who were keen!
On Friday we did another 6 loads with 25 skydivers here. Josh had a seminar running. Our Tandem today was Angie S. Dylan B ripped into AFF Stages 2, 3, & 4.
On Saturday the weather was beautiful and it was busy. 15 full loads were done by the 80 jumpers. Our Tandems today were John C, Marley F, Chloe J, Nisha M; and Benjamin, John, Joseph and Timothy M; Stephen P, and Luca W., Jack B did TAFF Stage 1 and Dylan B did AFF Stage 5. We also did 5 B-Rel Coach jumps – Charles T, Andrew G (x2), Chris D, and Adam C. Josh’s seminar kept up the pace. Lots of fun jumping was happening.
Marley tandem exit – photos by AdrianJohn third tandem – steering the canopy – photo Andrew GStephen freefall – photo AdrianJack TAFF jump – photo Skydive RamblersDylan – AFF Stage 5 – flying by himself for the first time – photo AdrianCharles currency jump – exitCharles currency jump – freefall – photos by Skydive RamblersAaron F 600th hybridAaron F 600th hybrid – photos by Ty
On Sunday the weather stayed perfect! 63 jumpers were still here and we had 12 full loads. Our Tandems today were Jeremiah J, and Glenn and Amelia H. Student Jack B successfully completed AFF Stages 2 & 3. Robert W completed 2 B-Rel Coach jumps. It was a terrific weekend.
Jeremiah tandem – photo AdrianGlenn tandem – photo Skydive RamblersJack AFF Stage 2Jack AFF Stage 3Marcella fun jumpMarcella fun jump – with Josh and Ben – photos by Ben
One of my all time favorite dropzones in all the world, which is saying something, because I have jumped at hundreds of dropzones. Wonderful people running the place, wonderful people jumping there. Safe operation in every way, and tons of fun!