Tandems to start off another week were Alesha N and Brock P. 9 loads were done and there were 45 jumpers here and 4 B-Rel Coach jumps by Jason C, Rangi C, Ben D, and Savannah N.
On Tuesday we did 9 loads with 43 jumpers. 5 B-Rel Coach jumps were done by Rangi C (x2), Ben D and Jason C.
On Wednesday things picked up. We did 9 loads with 42 jumpers here. 5 B-Rel jumps were also completed. Ben D, Adam H, Susannah Ne, and Dan S also did one.
On Thursday we did 15 loads with 56 jumpers for Sara’s Canopy Course! Tandems were Cameron S, Jonny L and Kelly F. Conan V, Adam H, Sam G and Ben D all did B-Rel Coach jumps.
Friday we had 8 loads with 48 skydivers here. Yelsson Y did a B-Rel Coach jump.
On Saturday 20th we did 14 loads with 77 jumpers and 10 B-Rel Coach jumps – Jesse C-C, Chris D (x2), Peter D, Adam H, Sid L, Michael McC (x2), Chris M and Jeremy H.
Tandems today were Jake D, Timothy F, Sean B, Asta C, Matt E, Lowana E, Holly T, Maria T S, and Blake W, Dylan B did TAFF Stage 1 and James J did AFF Stages 2 & 3.
On Sunday 21st we launched “Belly Bash” – as organised by Chris Dodds and Dawn Adams! 69 jumpers were here and we had 14 loads. Our Tandems today were Camilla G and Chaun Jing L.
Students Dylan B AFF Stage 2 and James J did Stage 4. 8 B-Rel Coach jumps were done by Conan V, James S, Chris M (x3), Jeremy H (x2), Chris D, NanciDaniela G and Jesse C-C.
Belly Bash
“August’s Belly Bash was the biggest one yet – there were too many of us to fit into one plane! A great turnout for a Sunday – we managed four loads of 6-10 ways, with zippers, bipoles, donuts+stingers and arrowheads keeping all of the 19 jumpers busy and the plane full until the sunset load. Thanks to Ramblers, TSC and SQPC for enabling us to have camera throughout the day and for sponsoring the event. The next two events will be Sunday 30th October and Saturday 26th November – see you there!
This is the place for your AFF Skydive Course! It was one of the most memorable experiences of my life and in no small part due to the great people at the Toogoolawah dropzone. I highly recommend this place for those considering learning how to throw themselves out of a perfectly good airplane. You won't regret your decision.
“no nonsense attitude and professional approach” – by Sean B.