Luke S – Completed AFF Matthew K – Completed AFF Olivia M – Completed AFF Dylan MacC – Completed AFF Jesse McJ – Completed AFF
Thomas C – 100 Jumps Brandon G – 100 Jumps Charlie M – 100th Nude
Monday 20th June – and we were off to a good start. 13 jumpers here and we did a couple of loads. Our Tandem today was Jonathan G. Our new students today were Luke S and Michael R who both did AFF Stage 1. Benjamin L & Matt S both did B-Rel Coach jumps.
Jonathan tandem exitJonathan tandem freefall – photos by AdrianBen B-Rel 6.2Matt B-Rel 6.3 – photos by Bibi
On TuesdayMichael R did AFF Stage 2 and Luke S did Stages 2, 3 & 4. Wade Y-T arrived and did AFF Stage 5. And Savannah N did a B-Rel Coach jump. 4 loads were done and 16 jumpers did them.
Wednesday was a bit quieter. 11 jumpers got stuck into it. 3 loads were done. Luke S did his AFF Stage 5. 2 B-Rel Coach jumps were also completed. Weather was good.
On ThursdayWatane W did AFF Stages 4 & 5. Luke S and Jay T did Stages 6 & 7. 4 loads were done and 15 jumpers did them including a Coach jump by Yelsson Y and a B-Rel by Luke B.
Watane AFF Stage 5 – flying by himself for the first timeJay doing some turns on AFF Stage 6 – photos by AdrianJay AFF Stage 7 backflipsJay AFF Stage 7 fistpump high fives – photos by AgwaLuke AFF Stage 7 – backflipsLuke AFF Stage 7 – tracking – photos by AgwaLuke B-Rel 5 – photo Bibi
Friday got busy. There were 21 jumpers here and 5 loads were done. Tandems today were Elizabeth M and Caityn B.
Hopeha W (Hoops) did Stage 6 and Luke S did Stages 8 & 9 – completing his AFF Course, another Congratulations! Lee J, Iggy McG and Luke I all B-Rel Coach jumps.
Caitlyn tandem freefall – hi-five – photo AdrianLuke AFF Stage 8 – photo Skydive RamblersLee B-Rel 6 – photo Adam
Saturday got even busier! Mossy had about 12 people for a Canopy Handling Course. 17 loads were done by the 78 jumpers here. Jye M, Sid L and Ivan W were busy doing B-Rel Coach jumps.
Our new students got stuck into it. Christy W, Tallow H & Nikki T all did Stage 1. Dylan MacC did Stages 4, 5 & 6, Jesse McJ did Stages 6, 7 & 8 and Sitjian L (Sid) did Stages 7 & 8. Olivia M did Stages 8 & 9 and Matthew K did Stage 9 – both completing the AFF Courses. Congratulations!
Chris and Dawn launched their first Belly Bash RW training program. The Toogoolawah Skydivers Club had its AGM. The bonfire lit up and the party started.
Mossy briefs his canopy course – photo by Skydive RamblersMossy’s Canopy Course – photo courtesy of Luke MorleyTallow TAFF Stage 1 – photo OliMNikki TAFF Stage 1Dylan awesome exit – AFF Stage 6 – photos by Skydive RamblersSid AFF Stage 6 – doing great – photo SaraOlivia AFF Stage 8 – photo AdrianIggy B-Rel 1Iggy B-Rel 2 – photos by Robin
Belly Bash is a load organising event which aims to bring together flat fliers of all abilities to have fun and improve skills! We had a great turnout, with jumpers with experience ranging from 100 to 1000 jumps!
We plan to run the event every month so watch the website and Facebook page for updates!”
Chris Dodds
Belly Bash – Ben shows Sam his fight face – photo by Samuel GorhamBelly Bash – Building an arrowhead – Photo by Charmaine NielsenBelly Bash – Busting some shapes – photo by Michael YoungBelly Bash – Lara wins the geeking competition – photo by Michael YoungBelly Bash – Turning Spiders – photo by Michael Young
Sunday was just about as busy as Saturday! We did 16 loads altogether with 75 jumpers here. Our Tandems today were Isobella & Brodie W, Joel D and Madelynne C.
Caleb H did AFF Stages 1, 2, 3 & 4. Nikki T did Stages 2 & 3, Christy W and Tallow H did Stages 2, 3, & 4 and Jayden E did Stages 4 & 5. Yash K did Stage 8. Dylan MacC did Stages 7, 8 & 9 and Jesse McJ did Stage 9 – both completing their AFF Courses. More Congratulations!
All sorts of Fun Jumping was going on; Mossy’s Canopy Course continued. Flatties, Angles and Freefliers were all going flat out until sunset. It was a terrific weekend.
Isobella ready for her TandemMadelynne loving her jump – photos by SaraCaleb TAFF Stage 1 – photo RangryTallow ready for AFF Stage 2Tallow AFF Stage 3Tallow AFF Stage 4 – photos by SaraJayden AFF Stage 5 – thumbs up legendDylan AFF Stage 8 – tracking mad – photos by Skydive RamblersJesse deploying on AFF Stage 7Jesse tracking AFF Stage 8 – photos by Robin
I'm a new jumper and it was heaven on earth for me!
You always get to $14000 feet and you are surrounded by fun jumpers with crazy skill keen to teach.
If you haven't been go!! To say I love it is an understatement. I'll be back very soon!!
“fun jumpers with crazy skill keen to teach” – by Ande Rogers