Ramblers Drop Zone Action ⭐️ e-News #500 (24-30 Jan. 2022)

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

James Svensen – 200 jumps

Newsletter number 500!!!! Woohoo! And what a week had!

Monday the 24th of January 2022. It was busy at the DZ again for the start of the week!  Glen and Jessica Eland came out to do a Tandem jump and so did Samantha Viset.

Savannah and her dad Dominic were back to continue their AFF Course. And Jo was back as well do his Stage 4 and 5!

Savannah AFF4 – photo by adrian
Adrian with Savannah AFF4 – photo by Kristina
Savannah AFF5 first time flying by herself –  photo by adrian
Savannah AFF6 freestyle exit – photo by adrian
Jo AFF4 – photo by Kristina
Jo AFF4 focus! – photo by Adrian
Jo AFF 5 flying by himself for the first time – photo by Robin
Jas refresher jump – photo by Kristina

On Tuesday Nik Kozlov came back to do more jumps of his Christian and Matthew joined us to do a Tandem jump AFF Course and he brought his mates Matt and Christian with him to do a Tandem.
Jo did the next stages of their course and Luke Munroe did his Stage 8 AFF.

Jo AFF6 being Alti aware – photo by Robin
Luke AFF8 tracking photo by Robin
Nik AFF 4 doing some turns
Nik AFF5 first time flying by himself – photos by Adrian

Wednesday, Australia Day, the weather gods weren´t on our side and unfortunately it wasn´t good enough for students to get a jump in. We did manage to get one load in though with our more experienced fun-jumpers.

Thursday and Friday the sky wasn´t really clear again but at least the clouds were high enough to do hop n pops. Adrian was running a canopy course and our fun-jumpers Charmaine, James, Alan, Vera and Travis did all up 10 hop n pop loads and worked on their canopy skills!
We also did get an opening on Thursday afternoon to get Josh Zanatta up in the sky for his TAFF1 as he started his AFF Course today.

Josh TAF1 checking his alti – photo by Adrian

The forecast for Saturday wasn´t looking too promising but as how it happens often the weather was alright and Homer did over 10 loads, you can´t jump if you´re not here ;).

Matt Smith was running Smithyfest 2022 and was offering some free freefly coaching focusing mostly on beginner and intermediate vertical jumps and there were plenty of new freefliers who took advantage of that.

Our Tandem for the day were Brandon Green, Bobbi and Jordan Ryan, Alissa Saraceno and Damien Williams.

We welcomed our new skydivers Asher, Michael Eschbank, Scott Rivera, Wayne Uroda and Kauley at the DZ who started their skydiving journey and managed to get stage one of their course in on the first day. Josh Zanatta did stages 3 and 4 while Billy Reynolds did stage 8 and 9 to finish his AFF Course, congratulations!!!

Alissa tandem freefall – photo by Adrian
Damien tandem – photo by Oli
Jordan tandem – photo by Oli
Asher TAF1 – photo by John
Kauley TAF1 – photo by Oli
Wayne TAF1 – photo by Oli
Michael TAF1 – photo by Oli
Josh AFF3 – photo by Adrian
Josh AFF4 – photo by Adrian
Billy AFF8 – phozo by John
Billy AFF9 – photo by John

After having a bit of cloud around in the morning, Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day! Our students from Saturday, Michael, Kauley, Asher and Scott stayed to do their first few stages of their AFF Course. Students Rosie and Chris Jesse were back to do more jumps!

Daniel Eder and John Lewis came out to do a Tandem.
Meanwhile Smithyfest was still in full swing and our fun-jumpers were getting in some freefly jumps.

John tandem – photo by Oli
Daniel tandem freefall – photo by Adrian
Asher AFF2 – photo by John
Micahel AFF2 – photo by John
Asher AFF3 – photo by John
Kauley AFF3 loving it – photo by Adrian
Michael AFF3 doing great – photo by Adrian
Chris AFF5 – photo by John

See ya,

Macca and Team Ramblers.

Reviews & Visitor Book Comments


DZ Flashback – Blast From The Past

Visit our Ramblers history webpage for more info…

1979 Ramblers DZ Opening – NSPC jumpers flew from Newcastle to the Toogoolawah opening in Tricky’s Cessna 402 – with Kathy Silvestri, Jim Czerwinski, Alan Tricky (the pilot), Martin Ratia, Donna Berthelsen, Geoff Brown, and more… – Photo by Jas Shennan (who produced Jump and Walking on air.)


(to be confirmed…)

The most inspirational Drop Zone on the Planet bar none... Peace n Love

“most inspirational Drop Zone” – by Andy Greggs

Skydive Ramblers Newsletter