Monday 22nd November – Students Jamie Hawkins and Corey Rickit were back for more fun. Jamie did AFF Stages 4 & 5, and Corey did Stage 5. There were fun jumpers and a couple of skydivers did their B-Rel coach jumps.
Jamie AFF Stage 4 – doing some turnsJamie AFF Stage 5 – flying by himself for the first time – Photos by AdrianCorey AFF Stage 4 – doing greatCorey AFF Stage 5 – flying like a boss – Photos by Sara
Tuesday – Jamie and Corey both did AFF Stage 6 and other 4 fun jumpers filled the load. You guessed it – the weather!
Jamie AFF Stage 6 – freestyle exits – Photos by Adrian
On WednesdayBethany Smith arrived and did AFF Stages 2 & 3. Jamie & Corey both did Stages 7 & 8. There were another 9 fun jumpers who went on the only 2 loads of the day – in between showers!
Bethany ready for AFF Stage 3 with John – Photo SaraJamie AFF Stage 6 – Photo JohnHJamie AFF Stage 7 – ready to go – Photo SaraCorey AFF Stage 8 – Photo JohnH
Thursday was much the same weather-wise, passing light showers and clouds, with occasional wind blasts. It didn’t stop Bethany Smith doing Stage 4, and Jamie & Corey did Stage 9 – completing their AFF Courses. Yahoo and well done!
Bethany AFF Stage 4 – doing greatCorey about to exit stage 9 – Photos by Adrian
Friday – was quiet. There was no jumping due to weather.
Saturday was much better weather-wise, but still a bit lousy! Our Tandem skydivers were Daniel Hurst, Thomas Lochert, Xanthie Milton, Daniel and Shakyla Read, and Rebecca Sheppherd.
There were a lot of fun jumpers here, about seventy. Flossy was running an Angles action day which was pretty popular. The second Caravan was called into action when needed. Laura did a B-Rel coach jump. The last sortie took off after sunset, the bonfire fired up, the raffle draw was on and TSC Christmas dinner was a winner.
Tom tandem freefall – Photo OliMRebecca all smiles – Photo SaraLaura B-Rel 6.3 – Photo JohnH
Sunday rain showers and low clouds. About 20 people didn’t want to go home. The Cessna 182 did a few loads to cloud base and then the week was over.
The experience was amazing, Oli Adrian and Sara were really nice. I keep re-watching the video over and over again, this will be a favourite memory for a life time. Can't wait to do it again.