Ashleigh Smith – 1st Tandem Jump Jason Corbitt – Completed AFF Matt Smith – 1000th Jump
Qld State Champs:
Brad Smith – 1st Gold Medal in Skydiving 4-way Wayne Gannon – 1st Gold Medal in Skydiving 4-way Jag Wei – “Chopsticks” Gold Medal Hunter – 3rd in Men’s Speed Jayden – 1st Camera Comp Laura Johansson – Gold Medal – 1st Place States Drewy – Gold Medal Luke Morley – 1st Wingsuit Comp
And Congratulations to all the other TSC members and regular skydivers who competed and won at the Queensland State Championships!
First Night Jump Course:
Travis McCartin Daniel Rojas Sam Smith Terry Frey Lachlan Jensen
Monday 13th September – No jumping. It was not a good start to the week. No jumping at all happened.
On TuesdayRhonda Duck, Jason Hogarth and Jacqui Kitto came along for a Tandem, and then the winds picked up. No students got to jump.
Natisha Dingle & John Hannan continued their training for speed skydiving for the Qld State Championships happening this weekend. Isaac Johnson was hopping ‘n’ popping as well.
Wednesday – No jumping, too windy.
And Thursday was still a bit windy, but Billee-Jo Hamilton luckily arrived early before the wind got too strong. Billee-Jo Hamilton, who had an awesome Tandem jump for her 30th birthday. Happy Birthday!
And it was the official practice day start of the Queensland State Skydiving Championships and quite a few competitors also braved the winds for some practice jumps.
On Friday the Qld State Championships started. The weather was perfect! Lots of competitors arrived and the competitions got into full swing.
Our Tandems today were Alex Menzies, Harry Suthridge and Paige Suthridge. River Poropat and Elizabeth Bath went for a plane ride.
Student Christian Sutton did Stage 1 of his AFF Course. Jay Goodwin and Charles St.Germain did a coach jump. Lots of plane loads of skydivers got done.
Saturday was even busier. More competitors arrived and both Caravan aircraft were in full swing. And so were our Tandem Masters and Instructors – all day and into the night! Our Tandems today were Ashley Gregori, Edward Thornby, Marcela Badim Rocha Lima, Emily Lang, Maryanne Nottingham, Natalia Povey, Rishi Shonpal, Ashleigh Smith, Corey Birse and Courtney Webb.
New students Brandyn Armstrong, Simone Phelps, Katrina Lee, Saergan Tanton, and Morgan Tighe all did Stage 1 of their AFF Courses. Robert Ward did AFF Stages 2 & 3 and Christian Sutton did 3 & 4, Michael McCarthy did Stages 5, 6 & 7, Shaui (Derek) Cang did Stages 6 & 7, and Jason Corbitt did Stages 6,7 & 8 of their AFF Courses. Plus Alessio Noto and Hannah Jefferies did B-Rel coach jumps.
We were busy! And Oli also organized two loads of night jumps which included Sara and Adrian doing two Night Tandems, Ivan’s mum and sister!
Night Jumps
“After a couple of months break night jumps were back on Saturday 18th! An excellent turnout with 13 jumpers, 4 first timers and 3 Night Tandems. Conditions stayed beautiful, with a really bright moon illuminating the landing area, and not a breath of wind. Cooperation was really great with everyone, so despite an incredibly busy day we managed to stay on schedule and sent two loads! A massive thank you to Ben Nordkamp for running the night jump briefings, thanks to John for his excellent flying as always, and to the Tandem Masters for working late!
Dates for the next night jumps to be announced, keep an eye on social media!
Thanks again, Oli 🙂”
First timers were: Travis McCartin, Daniel Rojas, Sam Smith, Terry Frey, and Lachlan Jensen. Congratulations!
Sunday was “back to normal”. We had some more Tandems today. Benjamin Lothian, Finn Reid, Justine Reid, Taj Reid, Media Nosrati, Victoria Rose and Ashleigh Smith all took to the skies – and then Ashleigh jumped again!
New students from yesterday; Morgan Tighe did Stages 2 & 3, and Brandyn Armstrong and Saergan Tanton, did Stages 2, 3 & 4 of their AFF Courses. Jason Corbitt did Stage 9 – completing his AFF Course – well done mate. Guilherme Rodrigues Pinto and Ben Parker did B-Rel coach jumps.
The week started slow but sure finished with a bang. And now it’s Learning Curve Camp week –yahoo!
2021 Qld State Championships
There were disciplines suitable for A licence holders & above, with no competition experience necessary to participate. The Disciplines were: FORMATION SKYDIVING (4 way Blast: A, AA, AAA; 8 way Inter & Open; and 2 way), VERTICAL FORMATION SKYDIVING (2 way (Inter) VFS, and 4 way VFS), SPEED SKYDIVING, CANOPY (Classic Accuracy, Sport Accuracy, and Canopy Formation – 2 way & 4way), ARTISTIC (Freestyle & Freefly), and WINGSUIT PERFORMANCE.
“What an exiting few days it has been, out here at Skydive Ramblers Toogs for the 2021 Queensland State Championships. Many records were broken and new Goals set for Nationals. Thank you for everyone who participated, thank you to the Pilots, the Manifest, the Judges, The Camera people, our Sponsors and everyone behind the scenes who made this event possible. You guys rock.”
Hey guys,
Thanks for running the Learning Curve Camp last week! It was run to your usual high standard and was a very beneficial experience, especially given my lack of currency after the main COVID closures. I thoroughly enjoy attending these weeks and really appreciate the time dedicated by the whole team at Ramblers, including the instructors, manifest, cafe team, aviation crew/pilots, and support staff. You are all legends and I look forward to coming out again in the near future.
Cheers, Adam.
“very beneficial experience” – by Adam Parker (Learning Curve Camp)