Steve Ling – Completed AFF Brandon Haluptzok – Completed AFF Jay Goodwin – Completed AFF James Svensen – A License Jackson Brockwell – Star Crest Sabine de Roeker – B-Rels James Svensen – B-Rels Jingjie Xu – C License Seth Gilson – D License Shaune Irving – CRW Crest Toddy – Packer B Jayden – Certificate B Coach Rating Shelby – Night endorsement
John Hannan – 500th Jump Victor – 500th Jump Shelby – 900 Jump
Jarrod – Canopy Course Jayden – First High Altitude Load Zea – High altitude jump Isaac Johnson – New rig Laura Johansson – First Hoop Jump
Monday 24th began another Learning Curve Camp and quite a busy one for a while – YAY! Day one of Learning curve PLUS – Local wingsuiting coach Luke Rogers entertained the wingsuiters with his flying skills and ground training. The rest were happy to just do fun jumps and 4 way training. Ben Nordkamp was here coaching Big Ways all week.
Tuesday 25thLuke Rogers was at it again with his thorough briefs and de-briefs for the wingsuit jumpers. Ben Nordkamp ran a Star Crest load. James Powered though his B-Rels with Oli and Adrian. Sabine completed her B-Rel jumps with John and Oli.
The TandemWednesday 26th was Briana Breen. Not a bad day skydiving and weather was beautiful to. Troy completed B-Rel 4. We managed to get one NIGHT jump in for the Blood moon.
Thursday 27thMatt Boag came to coach the freeflyers. Sara ran a canopy course with 7 people attending, all learnt a lot and increased their skill level. Juilan completed B-Rel 2 & 3. Kristina did her 200th jump with a hoop. 10 fun loads were had.
Friday 28th – Funtastic Friday was here and it was definitely fun. Student Robert Kerr was back and completed Stages 2 & 3 of his AFF Course. Matt Boags kept up the pace with his freefly group. Robert completed B-Rel 3 with John. Juilan did B-Rel 4.
The TandemsSaturday 29th were Shakyla Read, John Axton, Adam Guile, John Rehburg, Daniel Drager, Alex Drager, Brian Drager and Oleg Bedran.
Students David Varuga, Jack Warren, and Adam Ford did Stage 1 of their AFF Courses and Steve Ling, Brandon Haluptzok, and Jay Goodwin did Stage 9 – completing her AFF! Congratulations!
Adam Ford and Jack Warren did Stages 2, 3 & 4 of their AFF Courses. Leigha did B-Rel 5.
Shayla Read: “The best thing ever. I had so much fun.” John Axton: “Awesome. Not to be missed.”
Adam Parker: “Hey guys, You’ve done it again…thanks for an absolutely hectic Learning Curve Camp last week! I thoroughly enjoy coming out for these weeks and this one was no exception, with everything right down to the perfect weather being organised with great success. Thanks also to the TSC for dedicating funding with the SQPC to enable the breadth of coaching experiences on offer for the week. I personally benefited from time with several, including time with Robin, John and Burkey in fitting the rental Sabre, and can recognise the value this added to the week’s experiences. From HALO-ing in from 18,000ft to seeing the guys appear out of the darkness of the eclipse, it was a LCC to remember. Thanks for your efforts in putting this together and I’m looking forward to the next one! Cheers, Adam.“
Bill, Just a note to say thanks to you mate for your continued support it was a great trip. I would also like to bring to your leadership teams attention the exceptional support provided by Andy who did the tandem jump with a great friend of mine, Julie. To say Julie was petrified on the lead up to the big day would be a huge understatement. I had my doubts that she would actually exit on the day. I put her decision to exit firmly in the hands of Andy who excelled in calming her down, reassuring her whilst having a bit of a laugh along the way. The manner in which he guided her through what was to her a daunting task was oustanding to watch. He should be commended not only for his flight skills but also his raport and interaction with the customer. I was not surprised to find out he had a military background. Ramblers should be proud to have such fine men on their books as you and Andy, Bill.
“exceptional support”, “reassuring… whilst having a bit of a laugh” – by John D. – Julie’s Tandem