⭐️ Adam Telfer– Completed AFF ⭐️ Charlie Hawkins – Completed AFF ⭐️ Kyle Mackie – Completed AFF
⭐️ Tyson – B & C Certificate
Here we go again. Monday 4th January. Our Tandems today were Alistair Bell, Jaya Crothers and Harpreet Singh.
Our students got stuck into it. Charlie Hawkins did Stages 5 & 6 of the AFF Course, Adam Telfer did Stages 5, 6 & 7, Joseph Tyrrell did Stages 6, 7 & 8 and Kyle Mackie did Stages 7 & 8. And Blake Field did Stage 9 – congratulations Blake!
Went with them today for my first ever skydiving. It was amazing, exhilarating and exciting. Don't be scared, there's nothing terrifying about it. Once you are out of the plane, it feels like you're flying.
“amazing, exhilarating and exciting” – by Jeremy So