⭐️ Callum – New DZ
⭐️ Jayden – First Paid Jump
⭐️ Craig – First Canopy Course
⭐️ Minkley – New Gear
⭐️ Monigue – First Canopy Course & First Time in 182
⭐️ Todd Pickering – New Rig
⭐️ Matt Finlayson – 1st Rig
⭐️ Shane Jones – 1st Rig
⭐️ Coops – New Rig
⭐️ Germany – Biggest ever flat jump!
⭐️ Guy – First pack job jumped
The TandemsMonday 28th were Noah Cory and Ally Inglis.
New students Benjamin Bland, Mikayla Newton, Blake Field and Kristine Perkins all did Stage 1 of their AFF Courses. Tayla Gordon did Stage 4, and Rhiannon Osborne, Connor Rattray, and Kyle Mackie did Stages 4 & 5 of their AFF Courses. What a great start to the week! Lots of Fun Jumpers we here as well. It was a busy day.
On Tuesday 29thKristine Perkins did Stage 2, Blake Field and Mikayla Newton did Stages 2, 3 & 4, and Rhiannon Osborne and Kyle Mackie did Stages 5 and 6 of their AFF Course. More fun jumpers arrived and the loads kept filling.
Wednesday 30th. Blake Field did Stages 5 & 6, and Rhiannon Osborne did Stages 7 & 8 AFF Courses. The weather turned a little and the winds were up a bit.
Thursday 31st December 2020. The last day of the year arrived. It was a beaut day. Our Tandems were Patrick, Jerome and Michael Robinson.
Student Mikayla Newton did Stage 4 of her AFF Course, while Blake Field did Stages 7 & 8 and Rhiannon Osborne doing Stage 9 – Completing her AFF. We finished the year with a big fat Staff 9–way roundie, a three pointer that had smiles on everybodies faces. Yahoo! Thanks Team.
New Years Day – Friday 1st 2021 – we had off. Happy New Year everyone!!! 🎉
We were back into on Saturday the 2nd January 2021. We had a few Tandems here and four new students started skydiving. The Tandems were Kaden, Torin and Rylan Warrilow, Eliza Sprey, Yolanda Dalton, and Macca’s sister Amanda Webb.
Our new students Charlie Hawkins, Mitchell Cummings, Stephen Kakakios, and Adam Telfer all did the First Jump Course, while Kristine Perkins did Stage 3. And lots of Fun Jumpers kept the pilots busy.
Two more Tandems arrived Sunday 3rd. Ryan Sawers and Jacinta Simons got their knees in the breeze.
Charlie Hawkins, Mitchell Cummings and Adam Telfer were all into Stages 2, 3 & 4 of their AFF Course. Mikayla Newton was back and did Stage 5. So was Jordan McEvoy who did Stage 8.
As an experienced skydiver, I took my whole family to Ramblers to introduce each of them to a tandem jump. Ramblers is an awesome experience for tandems and for fun jumpers.