Newsletter #289 (31 July – 6 August)

Sunday, August 6, 2017

It’s the last day of July, Monday 31st. Channel 9 came for a visit and Clare Van Dorssen did a jump for them. Student Angela Lions did Stages 7 & 8 of her AFF Course.

Clare in tandem with Darren and Scotty in the background – Photo Splenda

Darren with Clare lovin’ her jump with Splenda doing foot docks – Photos by Doyley


Tuesday August 1st we did a few 182 loads. It was the start of a slow week.

Former student Luke Richmond and his partner Elise

Wills on one of his many Hop’n’Pop jumps – Photos by Sara


On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday it might have been slow, but it didn’t stop Will from France, he did between 5-10 jumps a day!! He clocked up quite a few jumps out of the 182. Other fun jumpers also did a few but Wills was on every load!

The weekend was also a bit quiet. Our tandems Saturday were Willem Neill, Daniel & Wade Grindal, Kelly-Anne Colley, Daniel Willett & Shayne Pointon.

Tandem group Saturday – Photo Sara

Wade in tandem with Doyley – Photos by Doyley

Kelly-Anne in tandem & after landing – Photos by Sara

Shayne in tandem with Doyley – Photo Scotty


Student Brett Jeisman did Stage 2 of his AFF Course, and Aidan Everingham did Stage 8.

Brett IAD Stage 2 – Photo Sara

Aidan AFF Stage 8 – Photo Doyley


Jim Czerwinski’s new 10 way speed star team, the Togoogala Ten, got 4 practice jumps in, their first day of training for next year’s POPS World Meet at Nagambie.

On Sunday it was quiet. The weather started not good and people left early. However Robert Muller came for a tandem and waited for a break in the weather, it was his surprise birthday present. His patience was rewarded with a jump with Scotty.

Rob before his jump with Scotty

Rob & Scotty in freefall

Rob safely landed – Photos by Sara


A few other diehards were also rewarded with a couple of late jumps out of Homer.

Mark B-Rel 5 with Istvan – Photo Splenda

Ty Fels having a fun-ny jump – Photo Doyley


See ya!

Macca & Team Ramblers.

Visitor Book Comments

Clare Van Dorssen + Channel 9:
“CRAZY GOOD!!  Really fantastic instruction which made for a smooth + extremely fun dive!”

Kelly Colley:
“Incredible!! So much fun to do a tandem with Sara!!  Felt so safe and  just exciting :-)”

Daniel Willett:
“Absolutely spectacular experience, could not have had a better instructor – Thank You Ramblers.”

Rob Muller:
“Unreal Banana Peel!! Thanks heaps – Scott deserves more pay!!”

One of my all time favorite dropzones in all the world, which is saying something, because I have jumped at hundreds of dropzones. Wonderful people running the place, wonderful people jumping there. Safe operation in every way, and tons of fun!

“all time favorite” – by Brian Germain

Skydive Ramblers Newsletter