Love is in the Air 🎞 Heart Jump for Valentines – Fitchimages

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Heart Jump – Love is in the Air

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, our invitational group set out to build a “Heart” formation and we did just that. On our second attempt the 13-way heart formation was done with some time to spare! It was built by Dave (Macca) McEvoy, Stephen Brett, Adrian Bramwell, Rab McCulloch, Wayne Gannon, Greg Maskell, Millie Spinoza, Jag Wei, Mike Dyer, John Leach, Martin Klapper, Farrell McKay and Kristina Hicks.

Thanks to Steve Fitch and David Brown for capturing the magic!

Media Coverage

Cheers Kristina

Photo by Steve Fitchett –
Photo by David Brown

Hey guys,
Thanks for running the Learning Curve Camp last week! It was run to your usual high standard and was a very beneficial experience, especially given my lack of currency after the main COVID closures. I thoroughly enjoy attending these weeks and really appreciate the time dedicated by the whole team at Ramblers, including the instructors, manifest, cafe team, aviation crew/pilots, and support staff. You are all legends and I look forward to coming out again in the near future. 
Cheers, Adam.

“very beneficial experience” – by Adam Parker (Learning Curve Camp)

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