Sunday, July 8, 2018

Welcome to EQUINOX 2018. It’s on again. All the boxes are ticked and all major disciplines are covered: Relative Work, Wingsuiting, Freefly and Party are all in the hands of talented and capable people.

Mason Corby heads up a contingent of keen, experienced Freefly coaches who will be attending to every discipline, level and form of Freefly skydiving, including Vince Cotte, & Tayne Farrant.

Paul Osborne and Ben Nordkamp will be organizing all the Rel Workers with Paul looking after the Star Cresters and feeding the graduates on to Ben for the bigger ways.

Scott Paterson and Woody Smart, with Chris Byrnes and Luke Rogers will handle all the Wingsuiting – records please.

As usual Equinox means Full Moon which means Night Jumps. Ben and Doyley will be running night jumps Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. Note: Night jumps do cost a little more, $50, and first timers will need to attend a formal training session on Tuesday afternoon which also attracts a small fee of $30.

Kylie Cowling has organized a lineup of talented musicians and performers to keep us all dancing and laughing every night. There will be something different every evening.

Elad and Ryan are returning to put on the famous Equinox Day Tape, every night.

And of course, be there for the nightly raffle draw, you’ll only have 10 seconds to claim you prize, and the prizes are fabulous!

Manifest for Equinox will open at 8.00am on Saturday and people with jump tickets can start jumping straight away. There will be “Meet and Greet” and DZ briefs with Coaches and other Ramblers staff happening during the first day. At 5.00pm the official Opening Ceremony will take place with a mass flag jump display, speeches from important people and music from our local Apostolic Church Brass Band.

On Saturday evening straight after dinner there will be a formal Meet & Greet and introduction of all Coaches and Staff. This will be followed by our first raffle draw, the Day Tape and music from Kylie until lights out. And don’t forget the bonfire!

Prior to the start of Equinox early arrivals will be catered for. The drop zone will be having a Learning Curve Camp the full week beforehand. Our regular Ramblers coaches will be here to assist. There are no rego fees, just normal dz rates and activities. Everybody is welcome to come along and warm up for the Nox.

More Information

Early Birds Registration

If you pay for full registration by the 30th September you will receive a free Equinox jump ticket. You will also go in a raffle draw for 5 jump tickets.
If you take up the Early Bird Registration 15 jump Package you not only get a free jump ticket and entry into the first 5 jump raffle, you will also get a free  Equinox t-shirt and go in a second raffle for an extra 5 jump tickets. (The winner could end up with a free T-shirt and 11 free jump tickets).


Catering has been taken care of. Brendan Saunders will be in charge of the kitchen. See Brendan’s catering information on the official Equinox Boogie event page or join his Equinox Dinner Meal Deal Facebook event page.

Night Jumps

There will be a full moon on the night of Thursday 25th. On Tuesday afternoon at 4.30pm Ben and Doyley will be conducting the (one and only) 1st Night Jump Course prior to post sunset night sorties. There are 3 formal solo training jumps in the Course. The Course ($30) + 1 jump ($50) cost $80. Night jumps will continue after sunset on Wednesday and Thursday nights. You will need a minimum 3 torches, an illuminated altimeter and preferably a light coloured jumpsuit. Jumpers with night jump qualifications can also jump every night jump night. Regular night jumps are from 12,000’ maximum and cost $50.

After Jumping Activities

This year’s Equinox entertainment activities will be terrific. Every afternoon at 4.30pm there will be cocktails and live music at the Calypso Bar by the pool. Every evening after dinner we will have our fabulous raffles, followed by Elad’s fabulous Day Tape, followed by live music and other fabulous entertainment. Each evening’s entertainment will be slightly different and includes rock, reggae, burlesque, a dance party, jam session and comedy (see our program, coming soon). Red Faces Talent night is Friday night. Saturday night will be our climatic End of Nox Concert (“Equinox Rocks“).

So there you have it. EQUINOX. Equal day, equal night. Quality jumping every day, bonfire and party every night – for 8 days and 8 nights.

EQUINOX & RAMBLERS DZ …….Famous For Fun!
Read on for more details and relevant information. See you in October.

Dave McEvoy.

Did my first tandem jump with Sara what an absolute buzz & she made it completely painless highly recommended if you are looking to jump in Australia

“absolute buzz” – by Steve Lindley

Skydive Ramblers Newsletter