DZ e-News #303 (6-12 Nov.)

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Stephen Hicks – Completed AFF
James Gentle – Completed AFF

Newsletter time again. It’s Monday 6th November. It was a great little day. Tandems today were Dannielle Drake and Matt Zuccaro. Student Ekrem Denmircan did Stage 1 of his AFF Course, Stephens Hicks did Stage 4 and Thomas Yeo completed Stage 5. There were a few fun jumpers here. Shelby was busy with her B-Rels.

Dannielle in freefall – Photos by Doyley
Ekrem TAF Stage 1 – Photo Sara
Stephen AFF Stage 4
Shelby B-Rel 4 – Photos by Doyley

Tuesday was a bit busier. Ekrem did Stages 2, 3 & 4 of his AFF Course and Steve did Stages 5, 6 & 7. Again our fun jumpers kept Marj in the air.

Ekrem AFF Stage 3 with Scotty – Photo Adrian
Ekrem AFF Stage 4 – Photo Scotty
Stephen AFF Stage 5
Stephen AFF Stage 6
Stephen AFF Stage 7 – Photos by Sara

Wednesday slowed a little. Ekrem did Stage 5 of his AFF Course and Steve did Stage 8.

Ekrem AFF Stage 5 – Photo Adrian
Stephen AFF Stage 8 – Photo Sara

On Thursday Roger was here with new student Ben Hespe who did Stages 1 & 2 of his Wind Tunnel Skydiving Course. Ekrem continued on with Stages 6 & 7.  Steve Hicks did Stage 9 – completing his AFF. Well done! Shelby was back. So was Doug Pryor, warming up for some big way action at Moruya.

Ekrem AFF Stage 6
Ekrem AFF Stage 7 – Photos by Adrian
Kurt, Shelby, Alex, Doyley B-Rel 6.1
Shelby B-Rel 6.2

Friday was a non-event. The weather was windy and overcast – not good for skydiving. Saturday wasn’t much better. The weather again was bad. There was no student jumping and only 2 loads of experienced jumpers got a couple of loads in before lunch. And that was it for the day.

Matt with Doyley Head Down – Photos by Doyley

Sunday was better weather. There were half a dozen keen students getting stuck into it. Plus four people were here for a tandem. Bianca Shaw, Tayla MacIntosh, Luke Radley, and Sharon Sheppeard. Jared Eppelstun did Stages 1, 2, & 3 of his AFF Course. Ekrem did Stage 8 and James Gentle did Stages 8 & 9 – completing his AFF, congratulations!

Bianca’s tandem with Sara – Photo Anton
Tayla on exit with Andy
Tayla in freefall with Andy – Photos by Adrian
Luke’s tandem – Photo Anton
Sharon’s tandem – Photo Sara
Jared AFF Stage 2 – Photo Adrian
Jared AFF Stage 3 – Photo Sara
Ekrem AFF Stage 8
James AFF Stage 9 – Photos by Adrian

It was a good week overall. There are some beaut photos. It’s always good to see new jumpers finishing their formal training and watching the “intermediates” progressing.

See ya,

Macca and the Team at Ramblers.

Visitor Book Comments

Sharon Sheppeard – Amazing tandem.  The view and freefall was a great buzz.  Lady Sara made me feel safe.  Thank you awesome!!   Made me feel like a bird.

This was my first time, with Ty as my instructor.
It was totally amazing experience and Ty was impressive as an instructor. He checked in all the time from start to finish making you feel safe and reassured. Free falling was the best experience and highlight of the jump. Thank you to the whole team . Definitely will be back. Loved it.

“totally amazing” – by Pete Townsend (Tandem Skydive)

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