- Click to Call +61 7 5423 1159
- Saturday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Air Staff
Licences: F-Licence, Display Pro
Ratings: Instructor B. Static Line Instructor, Tandem Instructor, AFF Instructor.
- 3 Gold Accuracy Medals
- 29 State Championship medals
- 44 National Championship medals
- Titles in Style, Accuracy, CRW
- Gold 10-way Speed Star (2014)
- Australian National Team – Accuracy (2010 & 2012)
- Gold Scottish Nationals Accuracy (1993),
- Silver medal British Nationals CRW 8-way
- Gold 8-way RW POPS World Champs (2008)
- Gold 2-way CRW POPS World Champs (2008)
Jump numbers: 5000+ (started Skydiving in 1980)

Most amazing experience. Staff are all professional, very safety oriented but make the entire time you are there so much fun. First time jumper and we did it at night during their equinox boogie and the atmosphere was brilliant. Highly recommend to anyone wanting to experience an amazing jump.
“very safety oriented” – by Kathlyn Wiles