Rambling On ⭐️ Newsletter #633 (21-27 Oct. 2024)

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Achievements & Congratulations

Star Crest: ⭐️ Conrad ⭐️ Clemence ⭐️ Andres

Drop Zone Action

Hey Hey here come the flockers. A huge week for Ramblers as we had ‘The Big Mother Flocker’ canopy event by Nexus Flight. 25 fun jumpers showed up and boy they put on a show! Thursday and Friday they took to the skies in both aircraft giving us on the ground great visuals. Huge shout out to Zack from Nexus for organising the event. Keep you eyes out for the photos and videos.

On Saturday we had Load Organising with Dawn & Chris running the Belly Bash event. Thanks to outside camera flyer Steve Fitch, check out his brilliant images in the photo gallery.

Sundays Star Crest day with Travis McCartin was a massive success with 9 crestees and 10 people helping. We did 5 loads throughout the day, and out of 23 attempts, 13 were successful! Thank you to Gougal M., Fred Olive, Scott F., Carmen B., Sean L., Matthew McK., Jeffrey J., David K., Steven R and Reginald B. for assisting with the loads and experience. Well done to Conrad T., Clemence L. and Andres H. for completing their Star Crest. As always, we had a terrific outside camera work by Steve Fitch. The next Star Crest day is the 1st of December, so please come along!

Big shout out to Samuel, Carlos, Dane and Patrick who all started their AFF courses this week. Well done to all!
B-Rel jumps were done by Margot (x2), Jake, David (x2), David (x2), Aaron(x2), Nigel, Clint (x2), and Lina.
Our Tandems for the week were: Matthieu, Theo, Lydia, Mike, Eloy, Koby, Steven, Anest, Stewart, Melissa, Angelo and Chris. Big congrats to all who took the leap.

Belly Bash (Saturday, 26th October 2024)

What an awesome turnout we had for BellyBash on Saturday! We had 32 people all arrive at 8am ready to jump – which must be a BellyBash record!! It certainly kept us on our toes, managing 3x consecutive loads of jumpers during a busy Saturday at Ramblers! Thank you all for your patience!

We were rewarded with some pretty epic static and dynamic 6 to 10-ways! These were challenging jumps but you guys nailed it! Was awesome to see the progression!

As ever, thanks to our sponsors – Skydive Ramblers, TSC, SQPC and Mee Loft, and to our camera dudes Steve Fitch and Michael Young for capturing the magic!!

Next BellyBash is on the 30th Nov. Hopefully see you all there!

Attendees: Chris Dodds, Dawn Adams, Michael Young, Steve Fitchett, David Brown, Martin Klapper, Paul Osborne, Steve B, Dan C., Scott F., Sean L., Trav McC., Farrell McK., Doug M., Guy G., Fred O., Clemence L., Sid L., Lison M., Ken P., Conrad T., Andres H., Sherry B., Reginald Blain, Kerwin D., Jeff J., Beau K., Emily McG., Denzil S., Matt McK., Rab McC., and Holly A.

Photos by Steve Fitchett – www.fitchimages.com
Belly Bash – Photos by Michael Young

TSC Star Crests (Sunday, 27th October)

Photos by Steve Fitchett – www.fitchimages.com

Need a jump buddy?

And if you have finished your training and you are looking for someone to jump with, let manifest know and they will put you in contact with our Load Energiser, who will match you up with a jump buddy. No charge. All you pay for is your own jump slot.

See ya,

Macca and Team Ramblers.

Reviews & Visitor Book Comments

⭐️ Steve Freeman: “For your first tandem skydive, I recommend Ramblers skydive drop zone, very professional in all aspects of your first Tandem, experienced jump masters, aircraft are of high standard, either Homer the yellow Cessna caravan or Marge the white Cessna caravan. I completed 7 Tandem jumps, one per year. Could I suggest feedback for fellow tandem first time jumpers – to book two jumps for yourself on that day, cause after your first jump any anxiety will disappear. You will more than enjoy your 2nd jump. Just do it, and see you around the drop zone sometime.”


Upcoming Events

DZ Flashback – Blast From The Past

Click on the album below for historical photos.

And visit our Ramblers history webpage for more info…

Great place to visit, top food and hospitality and plenty of Skydiving activities to watch and enjoy.

“watch and enjoy” – Graham Pukallus

Skydive Ramblers Newsletter