Rambling On ⭐️ Newsletter #608 (22-28 April 2024)

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Achievements & Congratulations

Completed AFF:  ⭐️ Akalia ⭐️ Clemence ⭐️ Damien

Drop Zone Action

The April Learning Curve had a great turn out for the start of the camp. Ramblers staff and coaches were kept busy throughout the event with jumping, landing de-brief and seminars, it was a fun filled week full of educational lessons and a lot of laughs for our fun jumpers and novices.

Ramblers new Students for the week were: Yang (Rain), and Yincha (Bella). Both started their ground training and continued through there AFF course during the week. Our ongoing students for the week were: Keller, Diana, James, Adam, Elijah and Damien all continued through their AFF Course. Discounted B-Rel coaching jumps for this Learning Curve: Zachary, Jacob (2), Paul, Zhen (3), Bence, and Connor. Big high fives and congratulations to Akalia, Clemence, and Damien who completed their AFF Course this week.

We welcomed our newest Tandem skydivers: GraceSarah-Jane, Harrison, Chene, Rachel, Sophie, Tyson, Keely-Rose, Rita and Tom – big congratulations to all who took the leap.

The recent LCC was Harvey’s final Learning Curve Camp here at Ramblers. Harvey has retired. However before he left there was a send off for him on Saturday night. It was terrific. A lot of old mates came along and wished him well and gave him a bit of a “roasting”. Then Blaino and Harvey put on a great act as Blaino sang and played his guitar while Harvey excelled on “the spoons”. It was unreal. Ali put together a wonderful slide show of Harvey’s life, which was blended together with three very relevant songs, including “Uncle Harvey’s Aeroplane”. It was a night, and a personality to remember. Thanks Harvey.

See ya,

Macca and Team Ramblers.

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DZ Flashback – Blast From The Past

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And visit our Ramblers history webpage for more info…

The facilities and equipment are amazing. Pool, bar, plenty of wildlife and the location is just fantastic. The staff are professional, friendly and very welcoming. The local regular jumpers are extremely helpful too so have a chat, ask questions and get involved. Enjoy.

“out of this world” – by ExtremeSportsBlogger

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